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Im so sorry for being away from this book, i had writers block and I wanted to make this chapter good, not to mention Christmas also, HAPPY NEW YEARS:))))))

Yoongi's POV

1 day left

"How do I say goodbye?"

"...Do I write a note? No just dance for them you psycho, of course they aren't gonna care if I give them a damn note."

"...maybe... no words? Ugh why is it so hard?" I knock my head against the wall in fustration. Maybe I'll knock it in the right spot and I won't wake up.

I have been pace back and forth across the bedroom mumbling of my issue, the door closed and locked. After Kook and I woke up from our sleep we had to go straight to the concert hall. I haven't eaten since then, the sky is already brimming on faint hues of pinks and yellows.

"What do I have a last meal?.... who am I kidding I don't deserve one, I'll hopefully starve to death before I do anything."I mutter.

A faint chime of knuckles hitting the door fills my ears.

I don't say anything as I trudge to the door, opening it to find a half naked Namjoon, only a towel wrapped around his waist. I pull my eyes away from his lower region my cheeks heating up as I look up at him, his cheeks the same shade as mine. I'm also suddenly aware of my outfit. Stupid, why did I have to wear a really shirt pair of shorts. My baggy shirt covers it completely, I didn't think anyone would be visiting me. I did make sure they cover my cuts though, just. Instinctively, I pull my shirt down further, though it did no justice to the tubs of fat on my legs showing.

"I-I'm Sorry, I thought Jin hyung would be in here." He says, holding his towel, only now aware of his attire.

"I-Uh yeah, I think he was downstairs, sorry." I say swiftly, about to close the door but he puts his foot in front of it.

"Wait! Erm, I was actually coming here because I don't have any boxers. His are the only ones that fit me, is it okay that I grab a pair and go?" He asks shyly, his cheeks heating more. I open the door wider, letting him in as he shuffled through.

I awkwardly sit myself on my bed, my back stiff as my thighs become increasingly interesting. Is that a freckle?

I hear Namjoon sigh as he comes towards me. "I wanted to talk to you, stay here." I nod stiffly at him as he goes towards the connected bathroom. I'm in trouble, now he is going to send me off the team and get a new member to join, everyone will love him. Wait, I need to calm down, I'll have a panic attack. I breathe deeply, just in time for Namjoon to come back in, wearing Seokjin hyung's clothes. I thought he just wanted boxers?

"Okay," He starts before he sits next to me on my bed, pulling up his legs onto it and crossing them. "I wanted to tell you this last time, but...." he trails off.


"Anyways, I have wanted to tell you this for a while, I just never had enough courage to, or I got interrupted." He pulls out his explanation. "Okay, here I go." He whispers to himself he shakes his shoulders.

He is actually going to throw me out.

He grabs my hands, now looking me dead in the eye. "Min Yoongi," I knew it, he's going to get rid off me. "I-"

"Yoongi are you in there?" Seokjin hyung says, opening the door and peeking his head through the door, his look of surprise at Namjoon soon turns to sadness as he turns to our intertwined hands. "I'm sorry, for interrupting you guys. I'll go set up dinne-"

"No!" I say quickly putting my hand up and out to Seokjin hyung after pulling my hand out of Namjoon's. I pull up Namjoon with all my strength, which isn't a lot these days and guide him with my hand towards the door. "We were just finished, you guys can go make dinner."

The look of sadness of Namjoon's face doesn't slip by me. I reach up to his ear whispering to him before I close the door on both of them. Namjoon's facial expression changes as soon as my whisper reaches his ear.

"Seokjin hyung really likes you, spend time with him." Maybe making everyone happy will be my goodbye.

I sigh as I rest my back against the door, falling down to a crouch, my head falling on my knees in exhaustion. "Too much stress." I shake my head.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I whisper into my knees, a tear slipping from my eyes. I need a stress reliever. The thug that has kept me going all this time.


I get out of the bath, the steam suffocating me, and the mirror. The red water sucks through the drain of the bath, leaving no evidence of the ever present sadness and pain. I sloppily put the razor back in it's case, pushing it in the secret compartment. The dizziness preventing me from thinking clearly.

"Yoongi? I made dinner, it's homemade and really yummy." The giddy voice of Seokjin hyung seeps through the door, I barely register it as he continues. "Don't take too long or it will get cold!" His sound of his footsteps disappear as he walks away.

"Need to clean up, need to dry myself, need to get changed." I order myself to move, finally getting changed into night wear. Out of curiosity I step onto the scale.

46kg (101.4lbs)

"So close." I mutter. I was hoping to at least get one of my goals before I expire.

I escape the suffocating room, breathing only the slightest bit clearer as I walk down the hallway, towards my supposedly last meal that I don't deserve.

I walk towards the dining room, everyone except two people are here.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook exclaims as he stands from his seat running over to walk me to the chair next to him. "Hi."

"Now we are just waiting on Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung!" Taehyung says, impatiently waiting to eat his food. Now that I look at the food, it's my favourite.

"This is your favourite isn't it Yoongi?" Jimin says my thoughts aloud. I nod at him, Korean barbecue or Galbi. Jimin has gotten skinnier, even though I told him not to. It's not like he'd listen to me.

I know it's hard to get out of, I just can't believe no one has noticed. I sit down in between Kook and Jiminie.

Namjoon and Seokjin hyung wall into the room, hyung sending a content smile my way before sitting down.

"Let is dig in!" Taehyung says happily before scarfing down his food. Maybe I should eat more for Jimin, it's not like I'll lose any more weight in such a short amount of time.


Even though I feel like I'm gonna puke a whole body, I keep down my food. I ate a whole plateful, at least Jimin will know what I mean, his expression says it all. The look of knowledge, happiness and gratitude.

"Can I be excused, I'm really tired, I'm going to go to sleep now if that is okay." I say quietly as I take my plate to the sink, washing it before I take myself upstairs. I stiffly open the door, collapsing on my bed after I'm close to it.

My eyes close automatically, not allowing me to put the covers on as I fall asleep, also leaving the door open.

Jun Ki's POV.

"Now is my chance." I say as I get out the car, walking towards the apartment my little brother lives in. The faint blue of sunlight reaching the sky as I make my way through the unlocked door. "Tsk, Tsk. These boys. Someone could break in." I scold the sleeping boys quietly a so make my way through the hallways and to Yoongi's room. I scoped the place out when they were at the concert stadium, he sure does have a lot of fans.

I sit on the bed across from the small sleeping boy. "I'll just wait for ten minutes." He quite cute when he is asleep, not as cute when he is scared though.

The colourless sunrise reaches through his window and onto his eyes, they flutter open before widening in fear. By now I'm an inch from his face, boring into his dark eyes mouth my own.

"Hey, miss me little bro?" I smile at him as he whimpers.

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