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Oki doki the alternate ending one in votes... sorry to anyone who wanted a sequel! Let me answer the few questions I got in the Q and A.

Q1: @Elisa- Jane01

Do they find the notes?? What are their reactions??

A:So they didn't go in the room (Seokjin moved out) because they couldn't accept the death and yeah they accepted it before his anniversary. They would have had to clear the room out around that time.

Taehyung's POV

We had to clear out Yoongi's room after his anniversary, none of us wanted to do it alone so we all did it at the same time. I was clearing his bed, taking the pillow cases off the pillows when I found paper, to be exact notes, noted for us.

"Guys?" I say tearfully.

"What's wrong Taehyung? Are you okay?" Namjoon says.

"Yoongi wrote notes, for us." They scramble to me, almost tripping over themselves as tears threaten to spill from each of their eyes.

"For us?" Hoseok asks hopefully.

I pass him the one that has his name on it before smiling weakly. "Yeah." I hand out the tears of the notes, eager to read mine. The messy writing of Yoongi's scribbled on the top.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person about.. me I guess. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings to people. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thanks for caring and taking care of me, you have been a wonderful younger brother to me and it's been an honour to see you grow into a kind and happy man. I want you to live your life well. Get a wonderful wife or husband. I'll be watching over you.

- Min Yoongi

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I finished reading, I wish I could have told you in person how I feel. I was too much of a coward, I will be happy though, for you.

Jungkook's POV

I snatch the letter out of Tae hyung's hand, opening the letter quickly and carefully as I take out the page, smiling softly at the chicken scratch also known as Yoongi's writing displayed on the page. Drops of tears fall onto the page, darkening the paper as I read.


I'm sorry, if you are reading this right now it most likely means I'm gone. I'm sorry you had to witness what had happened. Although I shouldn't be treating you like a kid, you are a man now, a well raised, young man. I'm proud to have raised you so well. Don't think of me as someone who isn't there with you, because I'll always be there. Either in your heart or watching over you,  I haven't decided yet. Continue to make me proud Kook.

- Min Yoongi

He was proud of me? I smile at the thought, I'll make you proud until death.

Jimin's POV

Taking the letter from Taehyung slowly I walk over to his bed and sit down on it. I hesitate to open it. I'm scared. What if it's bad? What if there isn't even anything on the paper? Just a blank piece of paper in an envelope. It wouldn't be like that would it? "Hey, you haven't opened it yet?" Hoseok asks from in front of me. I look up towards his envelope, he hasn't opened it either. "Let's do it together?" I ask sheepishly. He nods as he sits down next to me. We open the letter as we read.


I'll admit, I had to write this one a few times. I couldn't figure out what to write, it would be to long if I tried to write everything. First of all, don't you dare starve yourself anymore or I will haunt you for eternity. Love yourself, like our album, we wrote it for a reason right? Second of all, I wanted to say thanks. For showing me new things and letting me be a part in your life story. I'll admit another thing, I think I liked you... romantic styles... for a bit. I just wanted to let you know about that I guess. Don't forget me Jimin.

- Min Yoongi

He liked me? A single tear rolls down my cheeks as I smile.

Hoseok's POV

I sit down next to Jimin as I carefully open the letter, reading the words on the page carefully.


I could always talk to you about my inner thoughts and feelings but not about this, I guess I didn't want to worry about me. I always thought I wasn't good enough, not in dancing, in making music, even rapping. I think I see now, you were always better than me, always will be, and I thank you. Thank you for being the person I could rely on. Your kindness was reached me and everyone's hearts even though you were struggling, you smiled. Continue to be happy and live a long, healthy life.

- Min Yoongi

I look at the paper in content, then look over to Jimin, he looks back over at me as we hug.

Seokjin's POV

I grab the letter from Taehyung with shaking hands, almost dropping it as I open it.

Seokjin hyung

I forgive you if you were wondering. I forgave you the day you started. Thanks for being a kind mother, to be honest I didn't exactly have a mother figure. She didn't exactly want me, and I'm writing this only to you because I know you will handle it the best. Dad walked out on us after he heard Mom was pregnant with me. Mom was dead inside basically and Jun Ki hyung took his frustrations out on me, or just for fun. I couldn't really tell. He raped me and abused me until I left, joining Bangtan. There's evidence in Mom's basement last time I knew. But, I wanted to thank you for being with the group because more would have happened at home. Don't be sad over me, have a good life with Namjoon. I told him about you so your welcome by the way.

- Min Yoongi

I stare in anger at the note. I'm gonna kill Jun Ki. I am grateful about Namjoon though.

Namjoon's POV

I hold the note with tense muscles as I open it, though I try to be more gentle, afraid of ripping the paper a so read.


Hey, Joon. I'm sorry for leaving you. I know I should have at least said something but you would have tried to stop me. I want you to know that I am grateful for your leadership and kindness towards everyone, not just me. I see you got it on with Seokjin hyung... I can see a future with you two. If you hurt him I will haunt you. However, I want you to do me a favour. Continue to be a leader even when the group disbands? Stick with the boys for me and take care of them. Thanks. I will watch over you so try not to break too much stuff.

-Min Yoongi

I smile at the note as my cheeks heat up from the comment about Jin hyung and I. I look up and towards the room, seeing everyone smiling, even if tears are coming out their eyes. I will Yoongi. I'll take care of them.


That was that! Next question!

Q: @yoongay_min

Im sorry I just really wanna ask this. Am I crying?

A: If you are sweating from your eyes, that is also another word for crying. So yes, I think you may. Otherwise if liquid is coming out of your ears, you may want to check that out, just my opinion.

Q: @Diana2325
Do they really care about Yoongi?
Does Jimin like Yoongi?

Yes they really care about Yoongi, they just didn't realise because they were too caught up in getting work done for concerts and comebacks.

Okayyy double update coz yeah, I was gonna do it on the same chapter but nah.

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