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Long chapter:))

Yoongi's POV

I make it to the toilet just in time regurgitating the alcohol I drank as I didn't eat any food.

I still feel second hand drunk from too many drinks. I still feel numb, hopefully a shower and bed will fix that up.

I walk back towards the bathroom door after flushing the toilet, closing the door and locking it. I reach the sink and splash water on my face and in my mouth to wash out the vomit and to hopefully sober me up.

I look back up into the mirror, to say I look like a train wreck is an understatement. I strip myself of the bad smelling clothes and step into the shower turning it on as the freezing water makes me jolt.

I'm so tired

I guess that's what running on no food or water and having sex does to you. My ass is wrecked.

Speaking of, I have to go back to the doctor, what's him name again? Dr hen? Hane? Han. Dr Han. Wasn't he so generous to me. I think I was supposed to go back last week or a few days ago, I don't want to go though. I'll just not mention it.

My hands runs through my messy, wet hair, grabbing the shampoo and conditioner and washing it.

I feel like I'm gonna faint again, I can't stand in the shower too long as I haven't eaten a meal in 3 days, I've purged everything I ate, it wasn't always intentional.

I turn off the shower and step towards a towel grabbing it and drying myself off then wrapping it around my waist. It's only then I remember the bandages, they look fucked up. I forgot to change them.

I peel the dried bloodied bandages off my arms, muttering curse words along the way and chuck them in the bin, they aren't bleeding but the scans still look delicate. I'll put a bandage on just in case.

After that's done I wrap the towel back around my arms and torso. Opening the door to find a Jimin outside, springing back in surprise.

"Oh! I-I u-uh umm-"

"Hey Jiminie, no point in trying to hide you were listening" I'm glad I wrapped the towel around my arms

"Where were you?" He asks bluntly


"Where?" He demands

"It doesn't matter where I was, it's that I'm here now and I'm tired so I wanna sleep, sorry"

"Sleep with me?"

"Huh wh-"

"Just for tonight? Please?"

"Well I need to grab my clot-"

"I have clothes come to my room"

He walks behind me and pushes me towards his room

"Slow down!" I exclaim as we already arrive at his and the sleeping maknae's room

"Sorry, let's get you some night clothes to wear" he whispers loudly, facing away from me and towards his clothes

"Here put this on" He hands me a long sleeve big shirt with boxers

They both look really big

"They are the smallest things I have so just change"

"Uh in here?" I say astonished

"Fine I'll look away, we are both males anyway" he mumbles disappointedly

Once I know he is facing away I quickly drop the towel and slide on the big shirt, the sleeves reaching past my hands and the bottom reaching the middle of my thighs. I put the boxers on and face him.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now