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Yoongi's POV

My eyes start to slowly open, groaning in the process from an aching neck. I slowly lift my head up and move it from left to right, cracking my neck as I move it.

"You are awake!" Tae exclaims from behind me. I jolt in surprise as he laughs.

"look at your hair! I love it!" Jimin exclaims from the other side making me jolt and turn in surprise again.

"Stop scaring him!" Another voice shoots and I soon realise 4 of the boys are surrounding me

I look towards the mirror to find them circled around me looking half looking at the mirror and half looking at my new brunette coloured hair.

"It looks amazing!" Tae and Jimin day at the same time both reaching out to touch it, weaving my hair through their fingers

"It really compliments your face" Hobi says as he gazes at me through the mirror with a bubbly, heart shaped smile.

"Yeah it really suits you!" Kookie exclaims as he looks at me then feeling the newly coloured hair, also massaging my head in the process.

I hum in acknowledgement almost about to fall asleep again when Jin and Namjoon walk inside.

"Guys we gotta go to get our measurements done now! Let's go!" Namjoon exclaims as the boys and I slowly exit the store and back into the car. It's just past 3 so we will probably get there by 4 or 5 and get home at 7.

I'm too fat to get my measurements done now! I'll just have to lose it so I could fit into it better for the comeback.

"Also we are stopping at a restaurant to get food before we leave so we don't starve to death" Jin jokes as we drive off in the car

'I wish' I whisper falling back to sleep in the same seat I came in.


"Hey." Someone nudges me awake

"You sure do sleep a lot" Hobi states as he finishes nudging me awake, "Let's go get some food"

He grabs my hand and pulls me out the car to the restaurant where all the other boys are waiting for us.

I notice he doesn't let go of my hand as he pulls me to sit down next to him.

"I didn't get to feed you this morning so I'm doing it now" he exclaims before the waiter comes and asks us for the food we want to order.

Everyone mostly orders the same thing as the waiter finally addressed me. I'm about to answer until Hoseok does it for me, "he will have the same as me, and can we get some prawn crackers too?"

"Sure" the lady kindly replies before walking back towards the counter to make our food.

Prawn crackers, that's my favourite food. (A/N I don't think it actually is but it's my favourite food so let's roll with it)

"You like prawn crackers right? You eat them all the time."
Hobi asks from next to me


That one kinda hit home.

A few minutes roll by with the small buzz of talk flowing through the table before two women come out with our food and place it on the table.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now