Alternate ending

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Yoongi's POV

The door to the roof slams open, a breathless Jimin staggering my way slowly.

"Don't jump!" He yells weakly. "I should have noticed earlier, we all should have noticed earlier. Im sorry."

I tilt my head to look at him as he continues. "This is not a good way out. Look I found your razors, I was planning on confronting you after the concert. All of this, all of this," He says twice as he gestures an invisible circle between us. "This doesn't have to be this way, I can help you get better."

Is this really what I wanted? No, of course it is, I have to end the pain. "I'm not enough for the group, for army," I pause. "Not even my family. I'm not enough for anyone!" I yell as tears burn my eyes.

He comes closer to me slowly but I stop him. "Don't come any closer!" I scream at him, the harsh wind whipping his and my hair around. He doesn't listen as he moves closer, "Why are you trying to be smaller if your not enough?" I barely hear it in the wind, but I do. I stand up on the ledge, "You don't fucking understand!" I yell at him, his eyes widen in horror as he sees me lean towards the edge.

"Then make me understand!" He yells back at me but I ignore it.

I can't, I can't do this. I start to lean off the edge as the door smashes open, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung rushing through as their eyes wide in horror.

"I can't do this." I whisper shakily, tears streaming my eyes as I start to fall from the edge. Jimin rushes towards the edge, his hand latching on harshly to my wrist as he yanks me forward. I crash into him as we fly backwards. I scramble up to go back to the ledge but I'm held down by the boys. "Let me go!" I scream as I try to break free. "Let me die I deserve it! Let! Me! Go!" I scream as I push and pull away from the arms trying to latch onto me.

"Stop Yoongi!" Namjoon yells.

"No let me die, let me die, let me die!" I cry as he restrains my arms against chest, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

My vision turns fuzzy as my struggling starts to slow down. I open my eyes, tears blurring my vision even more as I look Jimin in anger, though I can't see his face properly, it portrays relief and sadness. I go limp in Namjoons arms as my vision fades to darkness.


I open my eyes, groaning as blaring white walls shine too brightly. I try to bring up my hand to block the light but I notice a sleeping Taehyung's arm keeping mine still. I look around the room seeing everyone else sleeping in uncomfortable chairs. I look at the cord in my arm, I pull out the needle and take off the peg thing on my finger. The line goes dead, waking up everyone from their sleep. I go to my other arm and try to pull out the other needle but hands stop me.

"What are you doing?!" Taehyung says in panic. I stare at him blankly. What am I supposed to say to him?

"Taking these out?" I say in a question.

"Don't do that you could hurt yourself!" Namjoon says from behind him. Suddenly nurses come rushing in, pulling my hands away from taehyung's and the cords in my arm. "Sir you shouldn't do that, you could hurt yourse-" "good." I say sternly as I yank my arms back from her, though it doesn't do much I'm too weak.

She stares at me in horror before a doctor comes in. "Hello Mr Min." The doctor says, making me wince. "Just Yoongi." It's only now I notice my throat burns and makes my voice croaky every time I speak.

"Okay.. Yoongi, you need to be either sent to a psychiatrist ward or if you can be taken care of someone with suitable requirements with watch over you." The lady says. I look at her, I do not want to go to a psycho ward and thankfully I didn't have to say it out loud.

"We can take care of him." Namjoon says almost immediately after she proposed the idea. She turns back to me. "Is that okay with you Yoongi?"

I nod a little. "Okay let me just grab some forms, all of you will have to fill them out."

Soon later we had all signed the papers, just before she said i would have to stay here for two days in order to recuperate.

"I'm sorry guys." I say in a small voice to them. They look at me with sadness. "We should be the one to apologise." Jin says, my head shooting up right away. "We didn't notice your struggles even though many signs had pointed towards them." Namjoon continued. "We promise to take full responsibility of you and take care of you!" Jimin says. Tears brim my eyes as I smile. "Thank you guys." I say weakly. They smile in response.

I know there would be many struggles along the way but I know I will get better. Wish that thought, I sighed in happiness, determined to get better for them. Hopefully I could get rid of those notes before I try again.


Okay that's the end!! The book is over!! Omg!!😱😱 also i had exactly 911 words :( rip.

Thank you for being on this journey with me for my first completed book! I love you guys thanks for reading!!!

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