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1 year later

It's almost been a year since Yoongi's death. Many forgot about it quickly, although some -specifically Bangtan- did not. They have been in a slow recovery since. Despair was thrown over South Korea, many would think they would not recover after the suicide. However, through the love and support army and other fandoms had given the boys, they have slowly learnt to recover from the heart ache, though they will never forget.

"It's almost the anniversary." Taehyung whispers quietly.

Everyone was sat on the couches in the living room, the empty space still blindingly obvious, though, not as much as before.

"Yeah." Someone in the room agreed.

"Can I tell you something?" Jimin starts, not waiting for an answer. "He told me, told us to never forget him, because he won't ever forget us." Jimin looks up and out to the boys, giving a weak smile to each of them. "He is probably watching over us now, we should be happy and move on with our lives, if not for us, for him."

The other boys look at him in silent admiration and small smiles. They stand up and hug each other, silent tears slipping down their cheeks as they do so. The last time, they swore to ever cry over Yoongi.

A shiver racked up each of their spines, a feeling of happiness leading the mood of the room. Finally accepting his choice, they swore to try their best.


A/N: hey guys...... that's the end of the book! Are you guys happy or sad? Because I wanted to ask you for a favour... which would you like to read?

An alternate ending.


A sequel.

The alternate ending would be where he doesn't die, and the sequel would be about either another band member entering the group or they disband and the new group TxT (Bangtan's brother group) would have dilemmas.

Also if you have any questions I would do a Q and A if there are enough questions!

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