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Jun Ki POV (Yoongi's big brother)

"Has Yoongi forgotten about me already?" I pout as I scroll through his social media. I chuck my phone beside me on my bed and stare up at the ceiling in consideration.

"Maybe I should pay him a visit before his concert. I haven't had any fun with him for a while."

Yoongi's POV

We have been practising for so long already. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes as we keep dancing, my migraine is killing me. Literally.

"Okay break time guys."

The boys shout in bliss, piercing my head again. My ears spill as I start crying, trying to be silent as I stumble over to my bag.

"Calm the fuck down Yoongi." I whisper to myself, grabbing a cold water bottle and press it against my head. I start gasping every now and then in pain, trying to be quiet in an attempt to not gain attention. It's too much, I start crying again.

"Yoongi? We have to go practise again."  A voice from behind says. I can't answer but instead let out a sob.

"Yoongi what's wrong? Are you okay? Guys come here! Something is wrong with Yoongi!" The voice that I know know as Namjoon yells, making my head pound even more. I clutch it in pain as my limbs starry shaking, "M-my head re-really hu-hurts." I say in tears.

Someone's cold hand touches my forehead, relieving the pain a bit, but only a bit. "He has a really bad fever! He's burning up!"

That was the last voice I heard before darkness succumbed my vision.


"He's waking up!" Is the first voice I hear as I wake up. The pounding migraine had subsided somewhat though my body was still as stiff as ever. I open my eyes to find 3 of the boys in the room; Jin, Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin and Hoseok smile at me as Jin hyung face remains stern.

"I told you not to go today and look where that got you!" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. I look down in shame and mumble an apology quietly.

"We were so worried!" Hoseok chimes in. "Yeah, I got so worried when you started crying!" I cringe at the thought of crying in front of the group.

"I'll get the boys, take care of Yoongi." Jin hyung says as he leaves us.

"Why didn't you say that you had a fever?" Jimin asks as he takes the cloth off of my head that I didn't even know was there. He flips it and puts it back on my forehead. I shrug at him, "I didn't want you guys to worry, i am feeling a lot better anyways. Thank you."

That's all I get to say before the door slams open and the rest of the group comes pouring in talking about how worried they were/are and if I'm okay.

"Guys, I'm feeling okay now. Sorry for not telling you, I just really wanted to be there in case I missed anything important." I calm them down.

"You slept for ages! It's already passed dinner!"Hoseok complains.

"And you stayed here the whole time?" I ask astonished.

"Well, we took shifts." Taehyung answers for him.

"I'm sorry." I apologise again.

"It's fine okay? We were happy to do it." I nod.

"I got you some soup to eat before bed, just in case you get sick again I'll give you more medicine." Jim hyung says. I don't want to eat, but he is just trying to take care of me, I would really like some medicine anyways, my head still hurts a little.

After Jin hyung comes back in and feeds me half of the soup we all go to bed. "Hey Yoongs?" Jungkooks head pops through the door. "Yeah Kook?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

I hesitate but nod. Realising he can't see me I say yes and he climbs into bed with me.

"Good night Yoongi".

"Good night Kookie."

He spoons me and dips his head into my shoulder. I'm too tired to feel ashamed even though I slept for the whole afternoon. We fall asleep in the position as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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