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Yoongi's POV

I feel so ashamed of myself.... they all came in and I was naked! They might've seen my fat ugly body for goodness sakes.

I came out the shower and did my usual routine before heading downstairs.

My head was feeling blurrier than usual and I felt heavier.

Probably from not puking that extra time this morning.

I only puked once instead of twice or three times and my weight only went down a kilo in the past two days. 46.7kg is too much weight to have on my body.

I'm just a fat tub of lard.


"Huh? What?"

My body jolts from being brought out of my thoughts by a tall Namjoon.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Are you sure? Have you been eating enough?"

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me. You have too much to worry about already" I mumble the last sentence, him not hearing it

"It's breakfast and everyone is waiting at the table so let's go, or else we will be late for practise"

I always hold them up, I'm such a burden

He grabs a hold of my sore wrist covered with a long sleeve before looking bewildered for a second then trying to mask it before dragging me to the dining table.

Was he surprised at how fat my wrist is? Have I really gotten that big?

I try to curl away and make myself smaller and look at my feet as we arrive at the table.

(Table arrangements)

Tae. Jimin
Jin. Joon
Hobi. Kookie.

Tae is shoots a smirking Jimin a dark look before looking at me with inviting eyes to sit next to him, Jin blankly stares at me making me bob my head and want to sit the furthest away from his pressuring stare. The rest just wait with kind eyes, which shouldn't be directed at me, sit down.

I hastily walk past the awkward duo and away from Jin next to Joonie and Kookie.

I quickly tuck my chair in trying not to make them wait any longer to eat the delicious looking food. Kook flashes me a bunny toothed smile as I sit down, I give back a small half smile to make him eat his food but he grabs my knife and fork and cuts a bite size slice of food from my plate.

"Can I feed you hyung?" He asks as he already has the food up to my mouth, looking at me with his innocent doe eyes.

I can't tell him no because that would just be rude, not to mention awkward.

"Uhh only a little bit beacause uhh yeah only a little bit" my wrists hurt anyway from the cutting-
Wait a second did Jimin see my fucking cuts?!

My eyes slightly widen as I discreetly as I can, look at Jimin as he bites into his pancake

No.. he would have freaked out or something by now... told me upfront or something.

Don't freak out.

I look at the fork with a small piece of toast and baked beans on it with a small grimace and open my mouth.

Jungkook's smile makes me a bit happier to deal with swallowing the food.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now