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"Yoongi! I missed you little bro."

"'Little bro? Yoongi never told us he had a big brother." Tae looks at him suspiciously.

I'm paralysed in fear. I can't move. This, this person is the one who did those things. He took important stuff away. I never got to experience anything a normal boy could because of him.

My first kiss was stolen from him. Heck, I even lost my virginity to him. He told me it's what normal siblings do.


"I'm gonna get you little bro." He yells, his voice echoing through the house over my 7 year old screams and giggles.

Running around corners and down hallways, yelling as loud as we wanted because Mum and Dad weren't home. They were never home.

"Gotcha!" He grabs onto my waist as I squeal. He spins me around and puts me on a chair.

"Do you know what happens next?"

I shake my head in response, my naïvety getting the best of me.

He leans downwards closer to my face, his eyes tracing to my lips. "Now I have to kiss you."

"Are we supposed to be doing this?" I ask a bit worried.

"It's called kiss tag and I tagged you. It's just a game, everyone does it."

I nod in answer before he leans down and kisses me. Not just a peck though. The kiss leaving me breathless.

"I took your first kiss, your lips are so cute." He smirks at me before yelling that I'm it.


"Do you want your birthday present little bro?" He smirks at me.

I whimper, knowing what he is going to do, I couldn't resist or he would make it longer and worse.

He throws me down on my bed, the old frame squeaking in the process.

"You are 14 right? 3 more years until you're eighteen, not like that means anything anyways, you couldn't possibly forget my birthday could you? It's coming up next week, my 20th, you'll be there right?"

He pounced on me, grabbing my shirt as he rips it off me. It wasn't only the cold that made me shiver. He starts leaving open mouthed kisses on my neck, leading down past my collarbone. Hickeys will show up along the way. Breathless hitches and whimpers leave my throat, tears threatening to spill at the reoccurring event.

He takes my jeans off including undergarments, leaving me in nothing but white socks. He takes his belt off diving his pants down as he grabs my head, making me be level with his crotch.

"Now be a good boy and suck."

••flashbacks end••

"Hyung? Why are you crying?!" Namjoon wipes the tear that I didn't even know escape my eye.

I feel like screaming, crying. Almost every nightmare has been caused by the man only a few feet away. All my secrets are about to overflow and spill. I don't know what to fucking do.

"Are you okay little bro? The lovely doctor hear called me about you fainting. I came to check on you." He steps forward, reaching out his hand and places it on my covered one. I tense up even more if that's possible.

You know what would have been an easier option? To die. Commit suicide. If I hadn't put my expiration date so far away I wouldn't be here. I would have relieved myself of this pain.

My words are still caught in my throat, inabaling me to speak.

"Dr Han what happened to him?" Jin spoke to the doctor.

"He fainted because of lack of nutrition again, have you seen him eat at all?" He turns his body to face towards the broad shouldered man.

"He ate yesterday before he fainted. Not a lot though, I'll be sure to feed him more and keep watch on him."

"Yeah I have small suspicion he might have an eating disorder, though I would have to call a therapist to make sure."

I suck in a breath of air at the statement. "I don't want a therapist."

Jin looks surprised at my sudden outburst. "But Yoon-"

"I'm fine, I don't need a therapist." I firmly state, forgetting momentarily about the monster staring me down.

He nods warily turning to doctor Han, "I'm afraid I have to decline the offer, but thank you for offering."

Dr Han nods before turning towards everyone in the room.

"I will have to do a checkup on Mr. Min, everyone can wait downstairs, I'll only be a few minutes agin like last time, we have some catching up to do."
He smiles at me before opening the door for the boys that start to walk out.

"Looks like we will have to catch up afterwards little bro, I'm looking forward to it." Jun Ki smirks wickedly at me before walking out the door.

I whimper at the thought of everything that's going to happen.

"My Yoongi," He stalks towards me slowly, eyes raking up and down my body making me shiver, "I waited for you, but you didn't come back for a while." I move back on the bed as much as I can in horror.

"It's too bad it took another injury for you to comeback to me. You understand you will have to be punished for misbehaving right?"

I scramble back more, trying to get off the bed. His strong hands latch onto my arms harshly, yanking me forward as I fall over onto the bed, right in front of his crotch.

He rips his belt off, pulling his pants down in a hurry.

"Now be a good boy and suck."

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now