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Yoongi's POV

3 days left.

"Wow, the place is so big!" Hoseok exclaims from the backseat.

It's true, the area that we were performing at was enormous. We had just arrived at the place we were holding our concert in Seoul. It had taken an hour to drive here and we left at 9am, we have lots of time to practise on stage.

Jin parked the car as we all shuffle out and onto the cold. The wind hits my face hard, my breath visible as I exhale. I sink more into the big coat, digging my cold hands into my pockets.

"You guys are here, great. We need to start checking the stage and performance positions." PD-nim states, rubbing his arms as he walks towards the doors at the entrance.

"Aish, so cold~" Seokjin hyung states, rubbing his arms as well as he follows PD-nim out of the cold. Namjoon comes up beside him, rubbing his arms down Seokjin hyung's in an attempt to get him warm. Jin turns and smiles at him gratefully as they enter the building.

"Let's go." Taehyung says as he gives me a little push towards the building. Jungkook and Jimin enter after us. I've been avoiding Jimin for the past two days, since he got mad at me. He hates you, kill yourself. It's a relief to the world.

Just thinking about him brings tears to my eyes. I don't want him to starve himself. He doesn't deserve hurt.

The warmth encloses me as I step inside, the sudden change making a shiver wrack up my spine.

"You okay?" Taehyung asks me in concern. I nod, "Yeah."

"Hello, I'm going to be giving you a tour of the building, until we get backstage to the dressing rooms, that's when your director will show you the rest." A man at the front desk says as he walks around the desk and towards us. He motions us to follow him as he walks us through hallways. I drown out his voice as I look at the rooms and stage. It's so big, we have so many fans.

We walk through the back, and into the changing rooms, the man showing us around leaves as he says goodbye. Our director starts explaining things and what's supposed to happen. "-at is where you gots will get your hair done." He motions to the chairs and mirrors on the side. "Let's go behind the stage, we will show you your timings and positions there."

We practised positions and dances all day, including the occasional break. We are supposed to do this until the day before the show. Driving an hour to the concert, practise, microphone checks, music checks, positioning practise and so on.

"Come on guys, let's head home for the day." Namjoon says, as tired as we are. We didn't do as much dancing today as usual, I'll have to do some at home. If I can still move by the time I get home.

The freezing cold hits me again, making my stiff legs more difficult to move. Seokjin hyung unlocks the car as I trudge to it, plopping down in the middle seat after I toss my bag in the back. My head falls down on the head seat, my muscles relax as much as possible. I close my eyes, "I just want to go to sleep forever." I mumble to myself.

I hear the others climb into the car, I don't bother opening my eyes.


"Yoongi." A hand shakes my body. I curl over into the body, "let me sleep." I say in my half asleep state. The voice chuckles. I haven't had a dreamless sleep in ages, I don't want to wake up just yet. "Come here." The hands pick me up as I latch onto the mans neck, I mumble into their neck, "I'm too fat, you'll drop me."

I fall back asleep.


3rd person POV

A rustle in the bush brings sound to quiet area, the flashes of a camera aimed at the boy in the mans arms brings satisfaction to the photographer. He has been waiting all afternoon for the rapper to return home, hiding out in a nearby bush was not much of a trouble for him. He would not let anything come in between him and his idol.

He brings the camera down from his face as the front door closes. His soft, almost innocent smile conveys happiness and contentment for his idol, his role model.

"My Yoongi, I hope you will get better soon."


Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi? Are you awake?" The door opens softly to a short boy, Jimin.

"Hello." I say shyly.

He steps into the fully lit room and walks slowly to the bed, the one I'm on. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean those bad things I said. I jus-you are so small and I want to be like you." He confesses shyly as he looks at me. I nod at his apology, "it's okay. You can't be starving yourself though. It's not good for you. You can get sick."


"No, you need to stop. You are pretty when you are in good health." My cheeks redden at my own words, but he needs to hear it. He nods at me, his cheeks also redden a little at the compliment.


"Yeah?" I look at him as he sits down.

"Can I tell you something?"


He gulps nervously. His face suddenly takes on a new look of determination, he stares me dead in the eye. "I know that this is kind of wrong, Namjoon-Ugh. Look." He starts.

"I-I-I.... I lik-" "Yoongi?" Jungkook walks through the door, frowning in confusion at Jimin. Jimin glares at him, "What are you doing here?" He asks suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" He asks back just as suspiciously.

"I came to check if Yoongi was awake. Anyways, what did you come here for?" He asks again.

"It's dinner time, I was going to get Yoongi." He walks towards us. "Let's go Yoongs." He grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Wait, didn't you want to say something Jimin?" I ask as I stop Jungkook. He just shakes his head, "I will tell you later, let us go have dinner."

I wanted to delay having dinner but I guess not. A sudden thought makes me speak up as we go downstairs. "Who brought me inside?" I ask no one in particular.

"Namjoon hyung did." Jimin grumbles out.

Namjoon? I wince as I remember what I said to him. I'm too fat, you'll drop me.

We get to the dining table, 3 empty seats wait for us. "Sit next to me Yoongi." Jungkook says as he pulls me to a chair. I realise I'm next to Namjoon. His face looks sad and concerned as he looks at me. I look at him and smile in reassurance. Please don't think to much about what I said Namjoon.

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