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Yoongi's POV

Look I know I said that scary movies aren't scary but this one actually scares me.

I don't want to disturb anyone watching the movie though. Besides I don't do that. I don't hold onto people, it's been like that from the start.

The girl in the movie starts to walk around the house, the usual cliché. I roll my eyes at that, but then the demon thing makes a weird sound.

I laugh out loud.

The boys look at me weirdly as I sober up.


I know I said it's actually scary and I swear it was before but that sound. That gurgle hiccup/burp thing..

I start giggling, I can't control it.

Stop thinking about it your ruining the movie.

Suddenly the ghost thing (A/N: sorry but when I typed 'thing' it typed thug and I laughed for literally 5 mins straight. Ya sis has a ghost thug ;))   ) jumps out. I half yelp half squeal and jumping into someone.

I don't process that I've done it until I look at the person I've latched onto.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" I ask as I try to get off Tae as quick as I can.

Key word: try

He pulls me back to his side, "Are you okay?" Well if honestly no, but I don't think your asking about that.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm the one that jumped into you, I probably hurt you"

"You are as light as a feather, I can't believe you haven't flown away yet."

"Sure, are you actually okay though?"

"Yes I'm fine, I'm just holding you so you won't jump again, well you could jump onto my lap if you want to." He says with a wink.

I don't know how to respond, but I guess it didn't need a response as he asks again, "why were you giggling?"

"Well the demon / ghost thing made a really funny gurgling, burp sound, just thinking about it makes me want to laugh again" I say as I wipe tears from laughing from my eyes.

Thinking of it now I don't think I've laughed that hard in a while, almost 3 or 4 months.

"You should laugh more, I want to see your smile more"

"Thanks?" I give a small smile at him as turn back towards the T.V., Watching the movie.

He mumbles something to himself, I look towards him but I don't think he was talk to me so I turn back towards the ending movie.

My breathing hitches as breath tickles my ear, "Why were you giggling?"

I shiver racks up my spine, too many memories flash in my mind. Too many bad ones. Flashes of Dr Han breathing on my ear makes me shiver again.

I have to go back to him don't I, today? What if he does something again? I know I deserved it, I deserved everything, just like what he used to say.

Phantom pain shoots throughout my whole body. It paralyses my body. Memories-memories of him, letting him do all those things. I had to protect them though, if I refused he'd go do it to them.

It's not like I had a choice-

Did you?

No? Did I have a choice?

You have have just let them be ra-

"Yoongi?" The waving hand drops from in front of my face as my eyes focus. The boys are surrounding me, including Jin.

"What? Sorry, I.... spaced out"

"We couldn't get you to come back down to Earth. The movie finished and Jin came in to tell us that we are going to the doctors." Joon says

"Dr... Han?" I ask warily

"Yeah, who else? Isn't he nice? He was so ki-"

"Don't make me go!" I latch onto Namjoon who was crouched in front of me.

I seem to be doing that a lot today. I don't need another bad habit.

"Woah!" He falls back, off his knees and onto the ground, "What's wrong? Don't you want to go? Why?"

I just shake my head at him. I know I should make up an excuse but I can't, my head spins just thinking about Dr... it makes me think too much.

"Well he obviously doesn't want to go. Let him stay, we don't have to go right, Jin?" Hoseokie says.

"Fine, make sure he gets food and sleep, I need to run a few errands. I'm gonna have a shower" he walked away, up the stairs.

"Let's get you to a big, comfy bed. What about mine?"

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now