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"Yoongi hyung? Are you okay in there?" A new voice rings through the door

I can't divider the voice over the ringing in my head. It takes a minute for me to reply

"Yeah I'm fine, just got out the bath too quickly"

"That is not a good thing Yoongi! Are you okay? I'm coming in!"


Yoongi's POV

I hear the door knob being grabbed and  I don't know what to do as I just cover my body.

The person tries to twist it but it's locked.

I'm so glad I locked it.

"Yoongi open up!" Namjoon yells

"No!... I'm naked!"

"Wait the keys are upstairs let me grab them" Jin says quickly, the footsteps stomping quickly on the ground as he runs

Wait we have a key to open bathrooms?

I'm no longer staying still as I rush to empty the bath, pulling the plug as the ringer water starts slowly going down the drain.

Stupid fucking drain, and yet other times I thought the water flowed away to fast.

I grab the blade and shove it back into the secret part of the cupboard and grab some bandages to stop the bleeding from the fresh cuts on my arms. Well at least I didn't do my ankles, the ones on my ankles aren't deep anyway so they don't scar.

I grab a towel for good measure and jump into the bath/shower where the water is going down the drain, still half the bath of water is left.

I wrap the towel across my body and the bath.

"I got the keys!" I hear the patter of Jin feet and his keys as he slips the key into the lock and twists, I can hear the door fly open as I squeal in fright.

"Move the shower curtain!" Jin demands

"Don't move it I'm naked for Christ's sake!" I yell in horror, the bath is making that gurgling sound when the water is almost gone

"I heard you crying! Sobbing! And then you tell me you stood up too fast and you almost fall over!" Namjoon yells behind the shower curtain. He must of heard the slap of my hand on the bench when I almost cracked my head open.

"Not to mention I heard the towel bar moving so you must of grabbed a towel"


I look at the drain as the rest of the water runs down the drain, a red tinged water puddle is still on the bath floor. I quickly wipe that down the drain as I wrap the towel around my arms only showing above my necks and just below the top of my thighs, where the other cuts are.

I hesitantly remove the shower curtain, looking at the two worried giants standing before me.

"Well I'm fine so don't get so worked up, the crying was stress but I figured out how to get everything done so don't let me burden you" I say looking down in false anger as I step out the bath and out the room. I hear the faint yells of the other boys as the run towards the bathroom, yelling about what happened.

I stalk back towards my-Jin's room- and close the door locking it so no one can walk in.

I collapse on the bed, the stress and fatigue crashing down on me like a thousand buildings. I have to get changed.

I slowly slip off my towel from around my body, should probably keep myself covered for the rest of my life. Grabbing baggy pajamas, putting them on and collapsing back on the bed. I probably passed out it who cares, it's what I have to do.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now