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Yoongi wakes up, tears in his eyes his breathing laboured, a screaming fit and lashing out everywhere

"Yoongi!" Tae yells trying to grab said boy's thin arms

"Stop! Go away!" He screams

"Yoongi! Yoongi! Wake up Yoongi!" He yells again at the screaming boy, finally grabbing his arms, pinning them with his knees. Tae straddles the boy before shaking his shoulders harshly, yelling at him to wake up.

By now the rest of the boys have come upstairs to see the commotion, realising the situation, they grab his legs so the he doesn't kick Tae as they too, try to wake up the smaller rapper.

Yoongi's eyes finally open as they stare straight into the concerned eyes of Taehyung. The older spilling tears like waterfalls, he sobs as the boys stop pinning him and try to comfort him.

"Calm down its okay, you are okay, it is just a dream"

The words would reach the sobbing mess if he wasn't so caught up in crying from the nightmare. He latched onto the closest person and cried.

The victim of the tight and teary hug being Jimin,  he comforted Yoongi with soft strokes of his hand and sweet nothings in his ear.

Taehyung's POV

I was just about to fall asleep next to Yoongs as he started stirring in his sleep. I would've thought it was a dream if it wasn't for his facial expression. It was scared, angry, sad. A mix of emotions that I wouldn't want to see on the cute boy.

He suddenly started screaming and thrashing around, it scared me so much it knocked me out the bed.


I quickly got off the floor trying to touch his head to slowly calm him down.

I heard once that it's bad to wake a sleep talker or a sleep walker.

I reached for his head. "Hey it's okay you are okay" I was gonna whisper, but got interrupted when his arm hit mine. He's not affected as he keeps thrashing around.

This time I try to grab his arms, they are wailing about like they know I'm trying to grab them.

Finally, I pin them to the bed as I go to straddle him, it's hard to do it when you are trying to keep 2 arms down while their legs are kicking you.

"Yoongi!" I yell and grab his shoulders

"Yoongi wake up! Yoongi! It's just a dream" I shake his shoulders

Guess I have to wake him up now, hope it doesn't end badly.

I hear the door open, the boys I guess have read the room and come to hold his legs down.

"Yoongi!" We all yell at him

"Wake up!"


His eyes shoot open, looking me straight in the eyes, though not for long as he continues to ball his eyes out.

We all get off of him as he latched onto Jimin and cries in his arms. Jimin softly rubs his hand over Yoongi's head, whispering and cooing at him to make him calm down.

Well I guess it does end badly if you wake a sleep talker.

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