Before we start

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I'm writing this story because I was inspired by two Authors who wrote story based in the Avatar universe Ninjamain & Silver_Whisp so big props to these two authors for their work also I don't own anything from avatar or these photos except the oc I'll create in the future

Here are some general information about you,
Your name Y/N
Nickname N/N
Skin color S/C
Hair length H/L
Hair color H/C

personality: Humble, caring towards those close to you, funny and serious when you need to be.

You do have a temper but you very good at keeping it in check but unless someone does something to really piss you off like hurt the people you care about or take your necklace from you.

Your also like the middle man in a sense you wanna understand said person issues before judging them on their actions

As for your lighting color it starts off as orange,then red and later white the red and white color will be explained later making it important for the story lore

You are a Fire bender but it's practically non existent the best you can do is light a candle. However your lighting bending is like second nature to you but you don't understand why for now.
In fact you didn't know you were a fire bender because you grew up in the South Pole all your life. Until you lost your father during southern raiders invasion which is why you despise the fire nation and because of that resentment you saw a small spark of lightning come from your hand. A few days after the attack.

as for your mother you never met her because she died giving birth to you so the only things you know of her are what people from the tribe and your father told you about her. You were also given a necklace by your father that your mother wore all the time. An so you wear it all the time basically like Katara with her necklace this what it looks like 

Also Incase you don't know for what ever reason this is Katara x male reader story because let's face it there practically nothing in regards of ATLA base reader with of course some other female characters flirting with you

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Also Incase you don't know for what ever reason this is Katara x male reader story because let's face it there practically nothing in regards of ATLA base reader with of course some other female characters flirting with you

This is one of your outfit you will consistently wear throughout the story until book 2

Also all your lighting base ability that you know so far are all self taught and from what you discovered just by messing around with it remember you were 9 when you discovered your ability

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Also all your lighting base ability that you know so far are all self taught and from what you discovered just by messing around with it remember you were 9 when you discovered your ability

Lighting moves for now:

Foot stomp- when putting electricity on your foot it will create a shock wave of electricity to push back people who are within 20 feet away. Shocking people away from you.

Lighting Whip- you can create your own lighting whip in the palm of your hands and use it to keep people at bay from a distance as well as use it as a rope for climbing & latching on to things

Lighting punch- basically you shoot lighting out of your hands or finger tips
However the longer you charge up your punch the bigger the attack will be. kinda like captain Falcon

Lighting paralyze- pretty self explanatory. You charge up your fingers get close to a person shock them from behind leaving them unconscious and paralyze for hours even if they wake up good for an Interrogation tactic

Additional information
You learned how to use the katana from your father and you also carry two small daggers on your side. They also belonged to him

 They also belonged to him

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I think that covers about most things about you, now proceed to first two part chapter

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I think that covers about most things about you, now proceed to first two part chapter

Katara x male reader A Duo's destiny ATLA Where stories live. Discover now