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      I woke up the next morning, my head still spinning from last night. I walked into my dads room. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching the eggs still suspended above the hot coals.

"Dad? Did you sleep at all?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah I got some sleep, but I was paranoid about the eggs getting cold, so I didn't get much." He said.

I went outside to clear my mind, I had a terrible headache, likely from the lack of sleep coupled with the stress of figuring out what to do with these eggs.

I noticed a group of men being dragged down the street by soldiers to the center of the village. Of course I knew what was happening, so I followed, and joined a crowd that was forming  around the edges of a clearing, devoid of any buildings apart from a cart selling vegetables.

The five men were held by two soldiers each, as one stepped out front and spoke. 

"The five you see before you have been sentenced to die in his majesties name for the crime of disrespectful conduct to a guard of his majesties power, empire, and divine perfection." He said without making eye contact with anyone in the crowd.

One of the men screamed out. "They kicked in our door! Th-" His throat was slit before he could finish by one of the soldiers.

"Bring this one up." The speaker said, gesturing to another man who had blood dripping from his mouth.

"Execute." He said. 

Another soldier plunged his sword through the mans chest, and kicked him to the ground face first.

"Enough wasting time. Kill them all." The speaker said.

The other three men were cut down by swordsmen, their dead bodies tossed onto a cart and pulled off, as everyone went back to their business. Though as I turned to walk away, I noticed another man giving the soldiers a dirty look. One of them came over, grabbed the man by his shirt, and spilled his blood on the ground from his throat, then dropped his body and left it lying in the street. I thought nothing of it, and turned and headed back home.

"That's one hell of a way to start the morning." I said aloud.

I returned home to find my dad sitting in the dining room, and my mom in the kitchen cooking.

"Jess... We gotta talk." He said as he led me into his room.

We walked in and stood face to face in front of the fireplace, the eggs still suspended above the embers. 

"I can't keep these eggs here, there's always the chance of a random inspection by guards. If they find the eggs they will probably kill us, maybe lock us up if we are lucky". He said.

"What makes you think they will randomly check our house?" I asked.

"I... I over heard a few soldiers talking to each other about Pulling random people for a show of 'power'  for our village. Apparently they are going to do it throughout the kings empire just to try and scare us all into an even deeper state of submission. They are going to select people at random and slaughter them in front of everyone." He said.

It wasn't unusual for the government to randomly kill people in random villages just as a show of force, but usually they wouldn't kill kids. My dad was afraid that if they came to take him or my mom, and found the eggs, they might kill Micha and I as well.

I had no idea what to do now... I was stuck, with no way out.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Mountain Dragon"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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