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2 Days Later

      With no thought as to what to do next, we remained in the valley of bones after Doron left us once again. For a short while, we contemplated going after Veracon and Ragon, but concluded that without the direction of their superior, they would be nothing but hostile towards us. It felt as though all hope had really been lost. Without Doron on our side, any chance of pulling together any other dragons still alive had been lost. It was a miracle that Magar was willing to take us in.

We were sitting around a fire, with Magar's enormous body wrapped around our camp to shield us from the wind, along with providing a comfortable place for her baby to sleep. The four of us just sat their silently, with only the distant sound of the wind, and the more immediate sound of Magar's deep breathing filling the air. 

"So... What are we supposed to do now?" Amy asked.

"We fight back, what else would we do?" Tahli replied.

We all sat silently for a moment, before I blurted out my response.

"Fight back? With what? Look at the size of these skeletons! They're dozens of times bigger than Doron in some cases, and even they fell to weapons far more primitive than the ones we're facing now. Magar stands no chance against them. She'd be cut down before even getting close. Unless you want her to die, likely with us going with her, fighting back is a bad idea. We have no army." I said furiously.

"Relax. We'll find a way. We know this land, they don't. At least not as well as us. We may not need an army. We may just need to kill the people controlling them. Think about it, with no body to fight for, why would they risk their lives to kill a dragon?" Amy said as she cut in.

I sighed, before looking behind me. Over Magar's resting tail, I could see the enormous skull of long dead dragon, probably having died near the end of the war.

"Can you imagine what hundreds, or thousands of dragons that size diving into battle together and against each other would look like.... It would be amazing. I remember we briefly touched on it in school, but not very much so." I said.

"I have a book." Bailey said softly.

I turned to look at her.

"A book?" 

She reached into her pouch, and pulled a book I had seen before. It was a historical record of the war that once ravaged our homeland. Schools had them, but they were rarely shown to students due to their graphically violent descriptions of the historic battles that shaped the world I grew up in.

"If it's in order of events from the first to the last, there should be something involving many dragons fighting at once. I've had it ever since you found me. It's not the same one you once read from though. This one records the earlier years of the war. The name on it is Ryner Bluron." 

"Those must be his own personal accounts." Tahli said.

Bailey looked down at the book briefly, before looking back up at the three of us.

"I haven't read anything from it... I've been afraid that it would give me nightmares. But I suppose it would be interesting to read a few pages." She said as she slowly opened the book.

Amy, Tahli and I silently looked at Bailey as she took in a deep breath, then started reading the first entry.

"Day one-thousand-two-hundred-ninety-seven

The air was crisp and cool. An battalion of  around two-hundred thousand men prepared to attack an several battalions of soldiers, who had been sent out to engage us. Their numbers were still unknown to us, so we did not know how many of us would survive the fight. We had a force of four hundred dragons ready to take to the air and provide cover to those fighting on the ground, as well as engage the enemies dragons in the air. My dragon, Shimmer, was calmly sitting off to the side with the hundreds of others, waiting for her cue to take off. I was gifted shimmer when I was very young, and she was only a few years old. Now, she was an enormous twenty-seven year old beast, and was a formidable creature. I gave her her name due to her bright silver colour that covered her entire body. My brother, Thomas, had a slightly smaller dragon who was gold and blue in colour, named Rylo. He was far more aggressive than Shimmer, but was much smaller.

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