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9 Days Later

      "Ma'am! Ma'am! Soldiers sighted!" 

I looked over the cliffs edge to see several dozen soldiers waving feverishly and pointing off into the distance. Without thinking, I climbed on Dorons back and commanded for him to fly. He carried me all the way out to the front of the army, where I saw men lined up, forming a shield wall. In the distance, a small group of soldiers approaching on horseback. I dismounted Doron in front of the shield wall.

"At ease!" I ordered.

The men lowered their spears, but maintained the shield wall as the soldiers approached. The soldier leading the others dismounted his horse, and tossed all his weapons to the ground and put his hands in the air for a moment before putting them back by his side.

"Jessica Albo, Rider of dragons and leader of the resistance, the king sends his compliments after the most recent confrontation between your meager force, and his majesties all powerful, loyal military. The king has sent us with a message. He wishes to meet face to face with you once again to suggest the terms of your surrender, and wishes to bestow his compliments in person." He said.

Just as he finished his sentence, Ragon landed off to my right, with Tahli on his back.

"How does she know it isn't just trap to take her out with no opposition?"

I turned around to see Jonah emerging from the shield wall.

"The king has sworn safe conduct, this time to any who accompanies her". The soldier said.

"Does he swear it to Jessica herself?" Jonah asked while drawing his sword.

The soldier's eyes narrowed.

"Jessica Albo has been granted the promise of safe conduct as well."  He said reluctantly.

I looked over at Tahli, who had just come to join me. She shook her head. 

"If you would be so kind as to allow me a few minutes to consult." I said to the group of soldiers.

Tahli and I walked around behind Doron.

"Jess, don't go. After that fight, there's no way he'll honor his safe conduct promise. It's got to be a trap." Tahli said.

"No... He wouldn't have requested a meeting if he really thought we weren't a threat. He's afraid. And he wants to meet with me to scare me into submission, otherwise he'd just send assassins and be done with it. And you know it." I said.

"If you die, we are all nothing. I can't lead this army myself." Tahli said.

"Many of these men have lost some level of faith after our defeat. If I return alive, it will prove my point about the king being vulnerable." I said.

Tahli's face changed, then nodded her head in agreement. I turned back to the soldiers who were all standing their horses.

"Tell your king I accept his invitation, and tell him that, should I not return unharmed, my army will rain hell down upon every man who serves him." I said.

The soldier gave me a disturbed look, before turning to his horse and mounting it.

"The king will expect you ten days from now. He wishes you safe travels, and thanks you for accepting." He said.

The small group of soldiers then turned and galloped off back towards the kings home.

"Are you crazy?" Jonah said frantically.

"Probably, but no person who isn't a little crazy could ever ride a dragon, could they?" I said.

"Just promise you won't die. We need you." Jonah said.

I giggled, and pointed to the dragons.

"You don't need me. You need them."

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Mountain Dragon"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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