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       I stopped at the tip of Doron's massive claw, which stuck out from the tip of his left wing. I felt  the urge to turn back towards the group to give sympathy for their lost friends, but ultimately I decided instead to utter the words that would set the seemingly suicidal idea in motion.

"We leave now."

Without another word, I turned back towards Doron and climbed his wing with my bow around my neck.

"What are you waiting for?!" I shouted in frustration.

The others scrambled for the dragons, clumsily mounting them and struggling to maintain their position on the backs of the great beasts, with the obvious exception of Amy, Tahli and Bailey. Doron raised his head high above the others and let out a commanding roar as he towered over his subordinates before turning back to the cliff and diving off its edge. I looked back over my shoulder to see Magar closing in on us rapidly, until she was right above us with her clear, silver wings gleaming in the sun. Just as she passed over head, Veracon and Ragon came into view off to my sides, followed closely by Temano and Ionia. As we flew just above the waves, I looked back at the last of the ships vanishing in the distance, with the few we had burnt leaving nothing more but piles of wood and dead bodies floating across the once clear blue waters, now running red with blood.

"Okay. Take us to the nearest village." I said softly.

Doron seemed to react slightly before suddenly heading back up towards the top of the cliffs and towards the forest off in the distance. I had somewhat lost my bearings on where we were, but I knew that Doron was more than aware of how to navigate the land. He had gone from a helpless baby, not much larger than an eagle, to a giant, seemingly invincible monster. I couldn't imagine any force in the world doing him harm at this point in his life, yet, he had been felled by the loss of one of his own, and now he had be changed from a regular animal, into the protector of all life on our land. Learning every inch of the land from coast to coast. I was simply along for the ride, a pawn in his plan to retake the land that was rightfully his. As my mind wandered, I was suddenly brought back to reality by the startling force of air being pushed down by the flapping of dragon wings. 

"Keep to your own space! You've got an entire sky!" I shouted jokingly to Magar as she playfully snapped her jaw at Doron.


I let out a lengthy yawn as I caught my head drooping over from exhaustion. I could feel the energy leaving my body rapidly as Doron effortless flew through the calm skies that watched over the land below, searching for the village Doron was taking us towards. I looked around at the gorgeous scene that was presented to us by the sun slowly retreating below the horizon once again. Off in the distance I could see a seemingly still river, reflecting the suns light back at me as if to be calling my name, begging for my attention. Then, as I was admiring the unrivalled work of nature, Doron suddenly banked to the right and dropped down to just above the tree tops. 

"I take it we're getting close then?" I asked in relief.

Doron gave no response, not that I was expecting anything else. He started scanning the forest floor, until up ahead, a large clearing that seemed to go on forever presented itself proudly from the confines of the otherwise thick tree cover that made up most of the landscape. I looked to the horizon line, and saw small houses emerge through the blinding light of the setting sun. As we neared the forest edge, the small group of homes was revealed to be a massive village, likely housing hundreds of thousands of people within its walls.

"We're here. Let's hope they are too." I said.

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