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A silence fell over us. None of us being able to come up with anything to say in the moment. I my mind was racing. After taking embarking on the journey to find Doron, we had up empty handed. Without him, none of the other dragons left alive would join us. We were now left outnumbered, and outmatched, with no army, and only two dragons, one of which was barley a threat to anyone with a weapon. I felt as though we had failed out people, and that now, our only way out was to fight until death.

"So... What do we do now...?" Amy asked.

I sighed while shaking my head slightly before answering.

"I guess we fly until we run into them. When we do, we fight to the death." I replied.

"That's suicide." Bailey added.

I turned to face her.

"We have no other option. It's either we live out our lives in hiding, or we go out with a bang. I'd much rather die a free woman fighting for her own than a slave with no purpose." I said.

Bailey looked down briefly, before she turned to look at Magar.

"What about her?" She asked as she turned back to me.

I sighed, before putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I know it's hard to accept, but the reason we birthed the dragons to begin with was for war. And war brings death. Magar isn't safe her as it is. The mountain people are prepared to kill her on sight should they cross paths. At this point, our best bet is to fight. Best case scenario, we somehow manage to drive them off. Worst, and most likely, we die trying. That's the way war goes. Magar has served us well, she's served you well. But, at the end of the day, i'm sure she would rather die trying to protect you and her baby, rather than live out a life of fear." I said.

Bailey glanced down at the ground, visibly upset as a tear ran down her face. 

"Come on. We need to get some sleep. In the morning, we're heading flying out of the mountains. It's not worth a life of fear." I replied as I wrapped her up in a hug.

"I'm going to sleep. I've had enough for one day." Tahli said. 

"As am I. I've got a headache from all of this." Amy added as she rolled onto the ground away from the fire.

"Is their any way we can fight without getting killed?" Bailey asked.

I sighed as I looked down, before looking back up at her.

"Bailey... You saw what they did to so many other dragons... And so many other people.... When we attack them, our chances of getting away alive are slim to none. But you and I both know that none of our other options are much better. If you would rather take your dragon and run off with her to hide, that's your choice. We can't stop you. But we are all going back. We're going to die fighting, rather than live afraid. If you want to join us, that's fine. If you don't want to come with us, that's fine too. All I want for you is for you to be happy. Regardless of what you decide to do, the three of us are going to leave in the morning. But, having a dragon would get us there much faster, and our deaths would bring a lot more pain to our enemy. I love you Bailey. Do what you think is best." I said before giving her a kiss on the forehead. 

I found a comfortable spot to sleep near Magar's tail. As I looked up at the stars, I couldn't help but question myself. I even debated telling Bailey that she couldn't come with us. But, I wanted her to decide for herself. At that point, I had come to terms with the fact that we would either continue living this way, or we would die fighting. However, I was still struggling to grip the fact that there was nothing further we could do to save the last dragons left alive. I felt a sadness I hadn't felt since the day my parents died. Just once more i'd like to feel the scales of my dragon beneath my fingers.

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