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6 Months Later

"Good morning."

I rubbed my eyes as I tried to figure out what was going on. I quickly noticed Bailey hovering over me.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked as I flipped over.

"Come outside." She said softly.

For what ever reason, I didn't argue and followed her out from under Doron's wing. It was the middle of the night, with the moon and stars shining bright, reflecting off the calm water of the river. All the dragons were asleep, Doron on the river bank, Veracon across from him, and Ragon off to the side, with the others sleeping side by side near what remained of our fire for the night. The air was cool, still, and damp, and very few clouds were to be seen.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I started to become more awake.

"Nothing. I just want to go flying." She said softly.

I was puzzled by her response.

"You should be asleep. It's the middle of the night. And Why would I need to wake up Doron when you have Magar?" I asked with an irritated voice.

"You don't need to wake him. I just want you to come with me." She said as Magar perked her head up in anticipation. 

"Why me?" I asked.

She smiled at me as Magar came to her side.

"Because I want to spend time with you alone." She said.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting her response to be that genuine.

"Well... Okay then. I'd love to go flying with you." I replied.

She smiled, then turned to Magar and started caressing her lower jaw. Magar, along with the other hatch-lings were growing fast. They now had wings at least fifty feet wide. They had been growing much faster than our first three dragons. Probably due to more freedom and a more steady supply of food. Her silver stripes glistened with the moon and star light, which made her easy to spot from a long way off.

"Come on. Let's go." Bailey said as she climbed onto Magar's back.

I followed Bailey and came to rest behind her. I held on to Magar's small quills and waited.

"Fly." Bailey said.

Magar spread her small wings and took off over the river. The light of the stars reflecting off the water stuck out against the otherwise dark surface of the ground. The air was cool and crisp as we ascended up higher and higher. As we leveled out, I took notice of the lack of sound that was present, with the exception of the occasional flap of Magar's wings.

"It's beautiful up here." Bailey said as she looked around at the stars.

"Yes. It is amazing to see. It might be the same sky we see from the ground, but it looks very different from up here." I replied. 

I looked off to the left, and could see the silhouettes of the mountains off in the distance, blackening the stars behind them. Magar's various shades of purple all looked the same shade of black in the night, though her silver was just as bright and stunning as it normally was.

"I take it you had a hard time sleeping." I asked Bailey.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"She wouldn't sleep, so I couldn't either. Sorry for waking you, but you never seem to want to spend time with me like you do the others." Bailey replied.

I sighed when I heard her response.

"It's not that I don't want to spend time with you, it's just that I've been stressed out. Not long ago, most of our army was slaughtered in just one day, and we nearly died our selves. It's made me a lot less friendly. I'm sorry."

She chuckled.

"It's okay. I understand. I just figured a night flight would help you relax." She replied.

We flew for a while, before Magar decided to turn around and head back to the river, even though no order had been given. We landed in front of Doron, with a rather loud thud as Magar hit the ground. Doron opened his eyes and partially raised his head. Magar chirped quietly as Doron looked us all over, before he dropped his head back to the ground and fell back to sleep.

"That was beautiful. Thank you for coming with me." Bailey said as Magar turned and rejoined the others.

I half grinned, before giving Bailey a hug. Her skin was warm compared to the cool night air.

"Your welcome." I said.

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