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      We flew over the trees, getting lower by the second, until I saw the clearing where we had landed. I could see Tahli sitting at the edge of the lake looking across it mindlessly. Doron let out a screech, which got Tahli's attention. She jumped to her feet and came away from the lake as Doron landed. I slide down Doron's wing and jumped into Tahli's arms.

"Oh my God! I was so worried about you!" Tahli said as she backed away after hugging me.

"It's been a while. That's for sure." I said.

"Where's Ragon?" She asked as she looked around.

"I-I'm not sure. We found a bloody stump along with half a spear in the woods, but, I found the other half in Doron's leg. So I can't say for sure what happened to Ragon. Sorry." I said.

She looked down, I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"I've got someone you should meet." I said.

She looked up, whipping her eyes, as I went to help Amy off of Doron.

"This is Amy. I found her homeless in a school as I passed through her village and decided to take her with me. Her father is fighting for us." I said.

They shook hands for a few seconds.

"Tahli. Nice to meet you." Tahli said.

"You as well. I'm sorry about your dragon That must be tough." Amy said.

Before Tahli could reply, Jonah came running up to me.

"Jess! I missed you so much!" He cried out as he picked me up and spun me around.

He kissed me, his lips warm and soft for a man, but his hands were cold. Then he noticed Amy standing off the side with Tahli.

"Who's this?" He asked as he went over to shake her hand.

"The name's Amy." She said as she reached out.

"I found her homeless in her village and decided to bring her back." I said.

Later that night, as we all slept under Doron's wing stretched out over the ground, I got the sense that Doron was disturbed by something. I crawled out from under his wing and saw that he was still staring off in the direction of the volcano again.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He didn't even flinch, keeping his eyes on the volcano.

"Don't you run off on me again." I said as I crawled back under his wing.

The Next Morning

We woke up the next morning rather abruptly as Doron lifted his wing and hissed in order to wake us.

"What is it?" I said as I stood up, followed by the others.

Doron stretched his wing out in front of us.

"He want's us to get on." Amy said.

"Where do you need to go now?" I asked in an irritated voice. 

He didn't say anything, obviously. But he seemed persistent that I get on.

"Screw it. I'd rather fly off into the forest with him then loose him again." I said as I mounted Doron reluctantly.


He didn't take off, instead he nudged Tahli over, then stretched his wing out in front of her.

"I think he want's you to come too." I called to Tahli from atop Doron.

Confused, Tahli climbed up to join Amy and I. 


This time, Doron took off as soon as I gave the command. I had no idea where he was taking us, but I didn't want to risk loosing the last dragon. He ascended to high above the clouds, the sun was still coming up over the horizon. We flew all through the morning, before Doron dove on a heard of deer grazing in an open field. He strafed the field, snagging several deer in his jaws before ascending back up to the clouds. 

Around mid day, Doron decided he wanted to nap, so he landed in the center of another open field, and just sat there, as if he hadn't carried us hours away from where we needed to be.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?" I demanded as I walked up to him.

"Jess, you know he won't talk. He's a wild animal, and he's probably been traumatized by everything he's seen during his life so far. Maybe he just needs to get away for a while. You can't stop him from doing that." Tahli said.

After another two days of aimlessly flying around, hunting, and sleeping, Doron seemed to be zeroing in on one specific spot, as he flew in a straight line from the moment he took off in the early hours of the morning. Up ahead, I could see the volcano as we dove down below the clouds.

"Maybe now we'll find out why he's always attracted to it." Tahli said behind me.

Doron circled around over head of the volcano. He gradually got lower and lower, vocalizing the entire time. All three of us were rather confused at what was going on. I looked down and saw a shallow valley beside the volcano, mostly covered by branches, vines and leaves, on the other side of the valley was a wide open field at the bass of a smaller mountain.

I looked around as Doron circled around the crater of the volcano. He continued to vocalize, making sounds i'd never heard him make before. Then, suddenly, he stopped. I felt the urge to listen intently through the sound of the breeze, and I heard a very faint screech. I looked up, and saw a dragon diving down toward us from the clouds.

"Ragon!" Tahli exclaimed as she started to cry.

I looked back at her, but then I saw her face change as Ragon came down to join Doron. She pointed up at the clouds with a very confused look on her face. I looked up in the direction she was pointing, and my jaw dropped when I realized what I was looking at.


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