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      1 Week Later

We'd flown around for a week, only coming across a few small groups of soldiers who we took out with little trouble, though the four dragons we'd set out to hunt down were yet to be seen again. Magar seemed to have grown paranoid of May's safety every time we took flight, constantly looking around for an attack from above. While this didn't stop her from doing what we needed from her, it certainly made us all feel uneasy. 

The sun was slowly starting to go down, again turning the clouds a beautiful combination of colours, with the wind whipping through the leaves of the trees off to the side. Amy and I were in the middle of building a fire, when Magar snapped her head up towards the sky. 

We all paused.

"Something's wrong." Amy said.

We all listened intently as a sense of nervousness flowed over us all in the silence. I held my breath for a moment to keep quiet, when something caught my ear. It was the distinct sound of a dragon in the distance. 

"Dragon?" Bailey exclaimed.

"None of them would travel this far from the mountains. Even the smaller ones wouldn't make a run for these trees. That's what we've been after. Let's go. Now." Tahli replied.

We all grabbed our bows and scrambled to mount Magar as she turned to take off. I could hear the dragon slowly getting closer as she spread her wings and took to the air. May was furiously flapping her wings to keep pace with her mother, though I had hoped she would have turned away to keep out of the inevitable violence that would ensue.

"Keep your eyes open! We're going above the clouds!" Bailey shouted.

Magar pitched up, going almost vertical until she broke through the clouds, and almost instantly, we spotted the dragon off in the near distance, with the setting suns light shinning off of its armour. 

"There it is! Get after it!" I shouted.

Magar took off after the dragon, silently approaching it from the rear. It didn't take long for it to notice her behind him however, causing him to start a series of dives and rolls to avoid her blasts of flame. May did her best to keep pace, but Magar snapped at her, causing her to fly off, away from the fight. I took several shots with my bow at the dragon, but all of my arrows either bounced off of the armour, or completely missed their mark. Magar gave several blasts of flame, but the much smaller dragon easily rolled and avoided her lethal blasts. 

I was starting to take notice of the fact that the dragon never tried to dive for the trees, which is something that would likely have given him an edge in getting away from Magar. I didn't think much of it though, as I was busy trying not to fall to my death.

The dragon continued its dives and rolls for what felt like forever, never fully changing direction to evade Magar. The entire time, I kept panning my head around looking for the other three dragons, but at no point did they show themselves. I felt uneasy about the lack of their presence, but still, I paid it no real attention.

After nearly an hour of brutal twists and turns, the dragon suddenly rolled over and dove down towards the lowest cloud layer, vanishing through them.

"Get after him!" Bailey ordered.

Magar rolled over and started a dive through the clouds. But, as she made for the clouds, she seemed to catch wind of something out of nowhere, but pressed on regardless. I gripped her thick scales with all of my might, with my bow clenched tight in my hand, expecting to see Magar bring the dragon down once we breached the clouds. Magar let our a roar only a moment before she dropped below the clouds. But, when we broke through the clouds, we were greeted with the sight of thousands upon thousands of soldiers perched on the edge of a cliff, with thousands more on the ground.

"Oh my gosh.... They led us into a trap." I said.

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