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8 Days Later

We had taken a lot longer than I thought to get to the point we were at. I hadn't thought about the fact that we were a bit more than three people traveling. We were withing a day or so from the center, but the sun was starting to set, and we would have to stop again for the night. As we flew, up ahead, I caught sight of a cliff overlooking a large open space outlined by forest off in the distance.

"Land there!" I shouted to Micha and Tahli.

We landed on the cliff, the men below stopping and dismounted their horses. As they started to prepare for the night, I dismounted Doron.

"Well... I guess tomorrows the day. It will take us half the day to reach the center. Then the rest of the day fighting." Micha said.

"Yea... A lot of men will die, many more will be hurt. But hopefully it won't be in vain." I said.

"If anything, we need them to survive." Tahli said while motioning to the dragons as them embraced in each others company.

I noticed that they were all looking off in the direction of the volcano in the far distance.

"What is up with them and that volcano? It hasn't erupted in over one hundred-fifty years." Tahli asked.

"I'm not sure. They probably sense that it's where their eggs were laid, that's the only thing I can think of." I replied.

I walked over to the dragons and looked up at them as Doron looked down at me.

"Sleep." I said softly.

He dropped his head to the ground and slowly closed his eyes. Veracon and Ragon both took the hint and put their heads down to try and sleep. 

Several hours later, before the sun even began to show any signs of rising, I walked to the cliffs edge, as the sun started to disappear below the horizon. The air started to get cooler and cooler. I stood by the cliffs edge enjoying the cool breeze for a while, before I felt the ground shake slightly. I turned to see Doron walking towards me. He rested his crocodile sized head beside me and closed his eyes again. I placed my hand on the side of his head.

"Don't worry. We'll win this. You three are our last hope, but I no you can do it." I said to him as he purred softly for a creature his size.

He turned his head to face the volcano again.

"A dragon knows where his priorities are, and where his destiny is." I said to myself. 

Doron turned back to me, as if he understood what I said. I gave him a smile, then he looked back to the volcano as he slowly fell back asleep. I returned to the cliffs edge for a brief moment, and looked up at the stars that lit up the sky. They were as numerous as the army that had sworn to serve for me, like millions of dragons watching over us from above. I looked down at the never ending army that was sleeping below me, knowing many of them would not survive the upcoming onslaught. 

I walked over to Micha and woke her, followed by Tahli.

"It's time to travel the final distance, and end this". I said.

"Now? It's the middle of the night." Tahli said.

"Yes. Now. We will be there shortly after the sun rises, and we'll catch them off guard. If we attack during the day, they will be more prepared for a fight against us." I said.

Micha and Tahli didn't protest. They just woke their dragons and came back to me.

"Doron, Wake them." I said.

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