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      We turned away from the fighting, and flew towards the residence off in the distance, constantly looking around for bows, or any sign of soldiers at all. But, I made no such observation as we closed in on the massive mansion type building. I felt an unsettling feeling as we dropped to just above the ground, and prepared to roast the kings home and end our peoples suffering once and for all. Suddenly, small arrows started flying at us. I ducked my head down against Doron's back in an attempt to protect myself from their deadly tips. I looked back at Amy and Tahli as they took notice of the arrows flying at us. Then, out of nowhere, an arrow struck Tahli in the right shoulder, knocking her off Ragon's back and to the ground as we continued towards the kings residence.

"Tahli!" I screamed as tears started pouring down my face.

Amy looked over to me with an expression of misery and despair on her face.

"Kill them now!" She shouted through her tears as Ragon screeched and broke off from the formation and heading back in the direction of where Tahli was shot down.

Suddenly, several large nets came flying towards us from small rigs that blended in with the color of the ground, making it difficult for me to spot them. The three dragons tried their best to avoid but only seconds later, one of the nets wrapped itself around Veracon, rendering his massive wings useless as he fell helplessly too the earth with Amy clinging to his spines.
Doron and Yulion flew in close enough to use their flaming breath to bring the king to his knees, leaving Ragon, and the downed Veracon far behind as the crested a large his.

"Fire!" I shouted.

But, before Doron had a chance to act on my command, I realized a massive net was flying towards us that appeared to have been fired from withing the kings home itself. The net wrapped itself around Doron's head and wings, preventing him from staying air born. He screeched and struggled to free himself as he dropped from the air, while I clung to him for my life. Doron crashed down in just front of the kings home as Yulion passed over head and pitched up towards the clouds. I toppled off the helpless dragon as soldiers came running out with swords and bows drawn. I pulled an arrow back on my bow and easily brought down one of the soldiers with the arrow before retreating behind Doron's head as he struggled to free himself from the net that entangled him, and prevented him from panning his head to the side to use his fire to defend me. I peered around his neck and fired several more arrows, each hitting their mark, before I heard a familiar voice say my name.

"Jessica Albo! It's so nice to see you again my dear. I think we have some unfinished business together." Said the voice.

I looked towards the entrance to the kings residence.

"Take her alive. I want her myself." Said the voice.

I lowered my bow and tossed it aside, sensing it wouldn't do me much good to me given the amount of elite soldiers I was faced with. I looked up as the gates opened and were quickly filled with dozens of specially armored soldiers. The men separated their tall, shining shields and stepped to the side. And from the large body of soldiers, emerged a familiar face. One I had seen before, and had no fond memories of. The king stepped forward with a disturbing grin on his face.

"Hello, dragon queen."

The Last of the Dragons-Set 1Where stories live. Discover now