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      We all stood in awe of the sudden threat we had just been confronted with. Bailey wrapped her arms around mine as her heart started beating out of her chest. I could feel her breathing increase as she grew more and more terrified of the impending doom that was approaching. 

"I didn't think there would be that many." I said sparingly.

"We can't just stay here. We're in range of their canons." Lucy said.

I turned my head sharply to face her.

"Canons?" I asked.

"Yes. Bigger versions of these." She said as she held up her weapon.

"Each ship has dozens of them on both sides. The ships nearest to us will fire up at us when we fly down to meet them. As long as we stay back here, we might be alright. But they could destroy the cliff faces that are parallel to them." Jules added.

"Very well. Amy, Tahli, the three of us will go in and attack. Bailey, you stay back with the others. If we call for you, then you join us." I said firmly.

"What? No way. I'm coming with you guys." Bailey said in protest.

"Bailey, no. Magar's scales are far to thin to have any chance of stopping their weapons. Even Doron could fall victim to their larger.... Uh... What where they called?" 

"Canons." Lucy added.

"Yeah, those. You stay here with them. Understood?" I said firmly.

Bailey sighed as her head dropped.

"Yes. I understand." She said reluctantly.

"What's the plan?" Tahli asked as she readied her bow.

"We dive on them from above, and strafe their ships in short but effective bursts of flame. If you must, use your bows, but conserve your arrows as much as possible. Do your best to avoid their weapons, and don't stay in the same place for long." I said.

Just then, Doron roared as loud as he could in the direction of the ships as he spread his wings in a display of threatening size. All the dragons followed suit, clearly confident of their ability to destroy the threat at hand. It never failed to amaze me at the level of intelligence these creatures  displayed. seemingly only second to that of human beings themselves. Doron looked down at me and stretched his wing across the ground for me. But before I could mount him, a small explosion, followed by the collapse of rocks off the cliff face caught my attention.

"What the hell was that?" I asked in confusion.

"Canon fire. They've seen us. We have to act now, or die." Jules said bluntly.

I looked down at the ships closest to us, and could see tiny flaming explosions erupting form their sides, being followed by explosions on the rock faces moments later. I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I scrambled to mount Doron.

"Come on!" I screamed to Amy and Tahli.

The two of them hurriedly mounted their two dragons and awaited the command to dive off the cliff as explosions tore apart the once majestic cliff face, causing large chunks of it to drop into the ocean far below. Doron showed fear for the first time in a long time when he jolted back as a small explosion knocked the sheet of rock just below him into the ocean.

"Easy. We're going to be fine. Now let's go." I said soothingly.

I looked back at Bailey and the others one last time, before turning back to face the ships firing up at us, and gripped Doron's quills with all my strength.


Doron spread his wings as he leaped off the cliffs edge, followed closely by Veracon and Ragon, the wind causing my eyes to water as we ascended. We flew high above the ships below, out of reach of their advanced weapons for the moment. We circled around over head, looking for an opening to attack the ships below, that were still firing up at the cliffs where the others were waiting. Finally, I decided it was time to attack, and end this before it began. As Doron circled around over head, I gave the command that I had hesitated to make for what felt like a life time.

"Attack." I said calmly.

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