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      I didn't respond for a moment, as I looked Doron over. He looked to be fit to stand up in the line of battle, certainly more capable than Veracon or Ragon. I debated back and forth between whether or not it was a good idea... I was stumped.

"Well?" Micha said as I snapped out of the state I was locked in.

"I... I don't know. Perhaps give him some more time to grow". I said.

"You said that they were big enough to protect themselves now, why couldn't they fight?" Micha asked.

"Taking out a small group of unsuspecting soldiers is a lot different than fighting a giant army, hell bent on killing anything that threatens it." I said.

I called Doron over to me, and to my surprise, he actually obeyed and brought his head up to mine at the cave mouth. I looked into his eyes, and saw a look I didn't think a dragon was capable of making. The look of determination was lighting u Dorons eye just like the stars light up the night sky. I knew that he understood what was running through my head.

"It's okay... not yet." I said in a soft voice as I pressed my nose up again Doron's.

Veracon and Ragon poked their heads up to the level of the cave mouth, though they're necks weren't long enough for them to match Doron's. They all kept their gaze locked on me for several seconds, before one by one, they started back towards the forest floor.

Later that night, as Micha and I were sitting around yet another roaring fire, Micha and I got into another important conversation,

"Jess, you can't put it off forever. Eventually they will get to large to keep a secret. There's no way you can put it off anymore."  Micha said in a more firm voice than she normally had.

"I know that... it's just that once we use them, everyone will know they exist. And they will be targets for the military." I said in reply.

I knew I couldn't just fly in on the dragon and burn everything. Even with all three dragons, it wouldn't be difficult to focus on the dragons, and kill all three of them in minutes. I needed an army. Where to get one, I had no idea. The only organized military was the army serving the king. And three dragons, my sister and eye was no match for the army we had to defeat.

"We need an army." I said. 

"Yes.. yes we do." Micha replied.

"But where can we find one? It's not like there's just a random army sitting around doing nothing." I said as I turned to look at her.

We both sat for a moment, pondering our options. I looked out at the stars, hoping my parents would give me some guidance. Of course, just as I did that, I got an Idea.

"What if we rally the villagers? There's thousands and thousands of villages, with thousands of people each. If we could unite them, we could have an army hundreds of times the size of the kings." I said.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Micha said.

"We show them the dragons. We show them they have hope. Show them they have a chance at happiness, at safety, at freedom." I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"How do you plan to show anyone these things?" She asked.

"I'll ride Doron... When he's ready." I said.

I looked out to the forest, but instead, Doron was at the mouth of the cave. I went outside to see what he was in need of. But nothing was wrong. Veracon and Ragon were fast asleep, but Doron just kept his eyes on me. He turned to his side, and lay his left wing on the ground at my feet.

"You want me to get on?" I said.

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