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Several Month Later

"Magar! Where did you fly off to this time!" Bailey called out.

 Magar flew screeched as she, along with Tegon flew out from from the forest in the distance. All seven of the hatch-lings had grown from small creatures the size of dogs, to a smaller version of Doron, Veracon and Ragon. Their Spikes had grown into lethal points pointing backwards towards their tails, their teeth had gone from the size of grass blades to large knives. Their wings had grown to be much longer than I was tall, and their heads nearly as long as I was tall. Derion and Yulion sat sleeping up against Doron as he watched over the group, with Veracon and Ragon off hunting. Tilio was fighting with Alio over food scrapes from the night before, before Magar and Tegon joined in. Derion and Yulion took notice, but didn't care enough to join in, and Cumano had managed to catch a rather large fish from the river himself.

"Find something good?" I said to Cumano as he ripped the fish apart.

He of course paid me no attention however. Doron lowered his head down to the four dragons fighting over the meat scrapes and snarled. His head was several times larger than their bodies, which threw me when I realized just how massive he had grown.

"Don't get on his bad side." I said with a giggle.

Tegon snagged the meat scraps and hurried off with it while the other three were occupied with not angering Doron any longer. They attempted to give chase but gave up when Ragon screeched in the distance.

"It's about time. They've been gone all morning." Jonah said as he whipped his face after drinking from the river.

The two dragons dropped their kills to the ground, and before I had time to blink all seven of the hatch-lings, who weren't so small any longer, swarmed the dead deer and elk. They set the dead animals ablaze with their flaming breath, which now posed a real threat to anyone who got in their way. Amy and Tahli dismounted their dragons and hurried over to me.

"So, when will they teach these guys to hunt their own food?" Tahli asked as she tossed her bow to the ground.

"That's up to him." I said while gesturing to Doron.

He tilted his head and glared down at me. He lowered his head until we were eye level.

"What do you say? You three were already hunting everything for us when you were their size." I said.

He moaned before dropping his head to the ground and shut his eyes.

"Oh, so that's how it is? I ask you to do something and you go to sleep?" I said in frustration.

Veracon and Ragon came over to us and consulted with their bigger brother. He snapped his head up in frustration as they hissed and snarled. he returned the favor by showing his teeth and raising his head up above theirs.

"What's his issue?" Amy asked.

"That's one of the nice things about being bigger than everyone else. You don't have to listen to anyone." I replied.

Just as it looked like they were about to kill each other, Magar came up beside Veracon. All three of them looked down at her, Veracon stepped to the side to allow her to come between him and Doron. She dropped a deer leg in front of Doron before looking back up at the three of them.

"Someone's a suck up." Tahli said jokingly.

Doron bent down to inspect the leg. He snatched it up and swallowed it before looking over at me, then back at Veracon and Ragon, then letting out a deep bellowing moan. He stretched his wing out.

"That's more like it." I said.

"Right. Let's see if these guys decide to listen for once." Tahli said as she picked up her bow, referring to the Magar and the others.

"See you up there. There's a heard of elk off that way." Amy said while pointing in the direction they had just come from.

"Let's do it." I said.

I ran up Doron's wing with Bailey and placed myself in my usual spot at the base of his neck. 


Doron gave a commanding screech as he took off, followed by Veracon and Ragon. Magar stayed close behind us, with the other six right behind her. Veracon and Ragon stayed off to the sides to ensure the others didn't fly off.

"Well, let's see how they do." I said while looking over Doron's side.

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