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Several Days Later

We flew just above the ground, looking down at all the men galloping along with us. The never ending sea of warriors gave me a sense of power that made me feel invincible for the moment. We were approaching the mountains, and the volcano.

"There they are." I said to Bailey as we Approached the edge of the mountain range.

It was mid day, and I could tell that a storm was brewing. Off in the distance I could see thick, black clouds lining the horizon. The wind was picking up, and Doron started to sway back and forth while trying to maintain his course.

"We've got to get further in if we are to set up an ambush." I said.

"Can't we just wait for them here?" Bailey asked.

"No. We must remain hidden. We will hide deep in the mountains, and strike when the chance presents it self." I said.

We continued threw the mountains. A wide pass between them allowed for a perfect spot to draw the kings army into, before surrounding them from the rear. I waved for Tahli to split off and guide some of the men around the mountains to form the group that would box the soldiers in. The rest of the men, along with Amy, Bailey and myself continued until we came to a bend in the wide pass. This would make a perfect spot to catch the soldiers by surprise.

"Doron, down."

Doron landed in the center of the wide pass, with Veracon beside him, and Ragon approaching in the distance. Amy dismounted and came over to me as I helped Bailey down.

"So, now what do we do?" Amy asked as Ragon landed next to Doron.

"We wait. We wait for Jonah's men to return, and hope that a large part of the kings army is behind him." I said. 

Tahli dismounted Ragon, briefly stroke his jaw, and started towards us. 

"Looks like a storm's on its way in." She said.

I turned to see the black storm clouds, with lightning flashes every few seconds, as well as deep, distant thunder claps. I turned to see the men preparing for the storm by covering all of their things with covers, as well as covering themselves.

"Will they be okay?" Bailey asked.

"They'll be fine. They've got things to cover themselves, and we've got our dragons." I replied.

A few hours later, the storm was almost on top of us. Men had staked their covers to the ground to keep them from blowing away as the wind picked up. Horses were whining and rearing up on their hind legs as lighting struck the tops of the mountains.

"Come on, let's get out of this." I said as I pulled Bailey over to Doron.

Amy and Tahli took shelter under their dragon's wings, Bailey and I did the same. As the night went on, the rain kept us awake for the majority of the night as it collided with Doron's wing. The thunder shook the ground with every clap, and the lighting briefly lit the sky up as if it was day for periods of a few seconds. I could feel Bailey's heart beating out of her chest for most of the night. But Doron didn't seem fazed at all. I peaked out from under his wing to see him, along with Veracon and Ragon looking towards the volcano once again. I crawled out, and was instantly drenched by the rain. I walked to Doron's side and placed my hand on his scaly side.

"Everything alright?" I asked him

He looked down at me, with his eyes shining in the night. He purred and nudged me over before looking back over at the volcano briefly before dropping his head and closing his eyes.

"Fair enough. Sleep well." I said.

I crawled back under his wing and rejoined Bailey. I shut my eyes once again, in an effort to fall asleep. I didn't know if I would ever be able to bring down the king, or if I could even save any of the men who swore to fight for me. I just hoped that I wasn't making a mistake, because if I was, all who followed me would die, their families, would live a life of misery far more horrific than anything any of us could imagine.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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