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      I woke up the next morning as the sun slowly started to spread its glowing light across the valley floor. I sat up from the damp grass that surrounded me and looked up at the glowing light shining through Doron's wing. I emerged from under his wing and stepped out into the valley. Several dragons slept on the valley floor around Veracon and Ragon, with Magar, Tegon, and Alio sleeping off to the side over their nests with their hatch-ling. The air was cool and brisk as I looked around at the distant walls that made up the walls that surrounded us, a chilling breeze flowing between them. I walked around aimlessly through the valley, coming across several dragons that had not yet grown out of their mothers protection. As I walked, I heard a faint flapping sound coming up behind me. I turned around to see a young dragon from the first nesting year flying down towards me, her wings cutting through the coll morning air like a sword blade. I turned as the blue and red dragon landed in front of me and cautiously approached me, as if she knew that I was, in a way, related to her.

"Good morning young one. What are you doing back here?" I asked as I patted the dragon on the top of her head.

She purred and closed her eyes as she lowered her head to the ground as I stroked her neck. Up above, several other dragons flew through the valley silently, with the exception of their small wings flapping to keep them aloft.

"Why not go fly with them instead of staying down here? You have so many places you can explore!" I exclaimed to the young dragon.

She clicked at me several times as the other young dragons flew over head, before spreading her wings and taking to the air after the others. I watched her bright colored wings shining bright with the rising suns light. I stood in silence for a moment, before a voice broke the silence and grabbed my attention.

"Up already?"

I turned to see Amy walking up to me as the three dragons slept in the background.

"Yeah, I got a pretty good sleep last night, which is odd for me." I replied.

She walked past me, looking up at the sky as it slowly changed from the dark of night to the light of day.

"Jess, I think we all know something isn't right. Doron isn't himself anymore, and it's clear that something has his attention, but he doesn't know what it is. If we have learned anything from our past, it's that we have to trust the strongest senses and intuition that is available to us." Amy said as she continued her gaze towards the sky.

"Well what are we supposed to do? It could easily be that he's just changed due to his role as the alpha, which could be stressing him out." I replied.

"I once thought the same thing, but lately Veracon has been acting a little strange as well. All three of them seem to be disturbed by something that the other dragons don't take any notice too. Perhaps it's due to their young age and lack of experience, but whatever the reason, our three clearly feel something is wrong." Amy said as she turned to face me.

The two of us fell silent for a moment, before the sound of rustling grass caused both of us to turned around, where we were greeted with the sight of Tahli walking towards us.

"I kind of agree. It seems like they sense something, something that they don't like." She said as she approached us.

Ragon kept looking in the direction of the coast yesterday, as if he is being drawn to it. Perhaps it's just curiosity but it seems like something is wrong." She added.

"Why don't they just leave and go find what ever it is that's bothering them?" Amy asked.

"Perhaps they feel loyal to us to a degree which prevents them from flying off again like they did all those years ago." I said as I looked over to Doron.

"Well, if they think something is wrong, it's clear something undesribale may be brewing. Perhaps we should take them, and give them time to go where ever they feel the need too. Of course, we would have to go with them in order to keep tabs on where they went off too." I said to the two of them.

"I mean... It's not like we have any reason to stay here. We've traveled around before. The only thing holding them here other than us is their young." Amy added.

I looked back at the three nests, with their mothers sitting on top of them with their chicks sleeping around them.

"They will all have to stay. There isn't any sense in bringing every dragon across the world." I said as I turned back to Amy and Tahli.

"What about Bailey and Magar?" Amy asked.

I had forgotten about Bailey and her dragon, and knew that Magar would not be able to leave the valley as she had dozens of chicks to take care of. I started towards the purple dragons nest. Magar snapped her head up as I approached and snarled at me, causing me to freeze in place for a moment before Bailey emerged from under her wing.

"What's going on?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"We need to talk." I said as she walked up to me.

"What's up?" She replied.

"We-We have to go for a while. Something bad is going on. Our dragons are sensing something that we can't, and it's clear it's not something that can be over looked. They wont leave without us, so the three of us have to go with them. You need to stay here with Magar and the others until we get back." I said as I placed my hands on her shoulder.

She gave me a concerned look.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. But I promise we will come back. All you need to do is eat, sleep, and stay with Magar, as well as the other dragons until the three of us return. They will protect you. Don't worry." I said.

She smiled, before giving me a brief hug. She stepped back and looked behind me as Doron, Veracon and Ragon propped their heads up and looked towards us.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I turned to Amy and Tahli.

"Let's do it." Tahli replied.

I looked to Amy, who gave me a confident nod. The three of us gathered our weapons, as well as some food supplies and extra clothes, before we mounted our dragons and turned towards the northern mouth of the valley. I looked down at Bailey as Doron and Magar said their goodbyes, along with Veracon, Ragon, Tegon and Alio.

"We'll be back! I promise!" I shouted.

I turned back to face forward, and grasped the quills on Doron's back.


Doron screeched as he spread his wings and took a running leap into the air, followed closely by Veracon and Ragon. As we ascended up above the forest, I looked back at the valley, before looking ahead once again. With no idea where they were taking us, we were at their mercy.

"Doron. The sky is yours." I said.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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