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      The two dragons flew wing tip to wing tip, high above the soldiers below. I scanned the formation looking for long range bows. I spotted two rows of them in the center of the formation being pulled by horses. I waved to get Amy's attention. She looked down as I pointed to the bows before she gave me a thumbs up to confirm she understood.

"Dive!" I yelled.

Doron dove down on the bows, with Veracon close behind. I readied my bow and held on to Doron with all my strength as Doron pulled out of the dive.


Doron unleashed a stream of flame down on the bows as the soldiers below scrambled. I looked back to see Veracon breathing fire down on the bows Doron had missed, but two of them had managed to escape the flames. As Doron circled around, I drew my bow and fire several arrows at the men manning the remaining to bows. Amy did the same, but only one of her arrows hit its mark, the others hit the ground and had no effect. I dove down again on the last remaining bow and finished off the crew.

"Up! Up!"

Doron ascended back above the soldiers as arrows flew past us. Both dragons turned and started strafing the soldiers as the scrambled to escape the flames. I fired several more arrows at men who had escaped the flames, and watched them fall as the arrows struck their targets. The dragons strafed several more times before the majority of the soldiers had been burnt alive, and only a few stragglers remained. Doron landed and I slide down his wing. I fire several arrows at the fleeing men as Veracon eliminated what remained of the cowardly soldiers with his flaming breath before landing across from Doron.

"Nicely done." I said to Amy as she came jogging up to me.

"Yeah. Thanks. Wish I could actually hit what I shot at though." She said as she looked around.

"You hit a couple, that's not bad. Come on, we've got to check for survivors." I said as I turned away.

"And do what with them?"

I looked over my shoulder partially.

"Kill them all."

We wandered through the sea of dead bodies, fire and burnt grass. I picked up my arrows as I came across them, lodged in the chests of men who had escaped the flames. I happened upon one soldier who hadn't died from the arrows, but was immobilized. I thrust-ed my spear into his chest as he reached out, begging for mercy, before collapsing down, gushing blood from the wound in his chest as well as out of his mouth.

"Find any?" I asked Amy as she came to my side.

"No. Nothing. Thankfully."

"Find your arrows. We don't have an endless supply, so gather as many as you can. Scavenge any swords, spears, or bows you can and bring them back with us." I said.

We split up to search the battle field. I'll never forget the faces of men who had been roasted alive by dragon fire, helpless to do anything against it except run. I took notice of a younger looking soldier propped up against one of the long range bows, with one of my arrows lodged in his throat. I pulled the arrow out, and placed my hand on the dead mans shoulder.

"You chose the wrong side."

I stood up and continued to wander, looking around for anything I could take. I picked up a few swords that hadn't been melted, as well as several spears and bows that had been dropped, likely before the fire attacks.

"Amy?!" I called out.

"Over here!" She called back from a fair distance away.

We met back up several minutes later. Both of us with several scavenged weapons in hand.

"Good job. Now you just have to do that again with an endless amount of men shooting at you. Think you can manage?" I said sarcastically.

Amy chuckled.

"Only one way to find out." She replied.

"Come on, let's go. It's going to be dark soon." I said.

We turned and mounted our dragons after securing all the weapons we had taken to their sides. We took off and headed back towards the waiting army. I looked back at the battle field, which was belching smoke endlessly, with a few dead bodies on the edge of the giant smoke cloud. We had managed to stop the needless slaughter of women and children, though we had probably just given the king yet another reason to kill more and more people. I just hoped we could stop him before it was to late.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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