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      I looked over to Tahli, who shrugged her shoulders as if to say she didn't care for the foolish individuals who seemed so eager to combat death head on. One by one, Lucy and the others cautiously descended down into the valley, and stepped into the long grass covering its floor. Several dragons took notice of the group as they walked shoulder to shoulder down the centre of the valley, looking around wildly to keep an eye on the endless sea of apex predators surrounding them. Jules watched on with her newly bonded dragon as the group continued on past them. Amy and Tahli came to my side and watched silently as the group walked slowly towards a pair of dragons sitting out in the open field of the valley, basking in the sun. 

"Let's see what they do." Tahli said quietly.

Lucy stepped forward cautiously, with the girl who called herself Nina by her side as the rest of the group stayed back and watched on. The two of them slowly approached as the male turned and flared his teeth, with the female paying them little attention. Nina stepped out in front of Lucy and started towards the male with her hands held down towards her side. The dragon hissed and spread his wings out to his sides, while rearing up as if to breath fire. Nina crouched down swiftly and put her arms over her head in a futile attempt to protect herself from the flames that would surely befall her. But no such flames made themselves known. Instead, Nina slowly looked up to see the dragon fixated on Jules and Ryder as they stood next to their dragons. This young male was larger than the dragon of Ryder or Jules, yet it seemed just as curious and intrigued as a hatch-ling right from its shell. Jule's dragon clicked back and forth with the larger male briefly, before he turned back to Nina.

"She's either going to die, or she's going to die." Amy said.

"Not likely. I feel that she'd already be dead if he intended for that to be the outcome." I replied.

I watched on as the dragon, who towered over Nina and Lucy, lowered his head down to Nina and flared his teeth once again. I was unable to hear what Nina was saying to herself, but it seemed as though she was telling herself to maintain her level of calm in order to not provoke an attack. She stood facing the dragon as he stepped back and stood still before the terrified young woman.

"Just do it!" Gordon shouted as he abruptly stepped out in front if the rest of the group.

The female was startled by Gordons outburst, which triggered an attack by the male. He thrusted his head to the side, knocking Nina far off to his right before charging towards Gordon. Gordon stumbled back as the dragon grabbed hold of his leg and threw him into the trees off to the side with a single whip of his neck. Gordon flew through the air, only being stopped by a tree that jutted into his flight path, ripping him from the air and causing him to topple to the ground with blood dripping from his legs, and not a single sign of life emitted from his seemingly destroyed body.

"What a surprise." Tahli uttered.

I watched the lifeless body of Gordon for a moment, hoping to see some sign of life, but to no avail. The male dragon turned back to Nina and started towards her, bearing his teeth as he raised his head up above her. She dropped to her knees and shut her eyes, before suddenly, the young dragon froze in place and looked up towards Amy, Tahli and I.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"I'm not sure. Just give him a minute." I replied.

One by one, all the dragons in the valley turned towards the three of us, as if on command. I stood there, confused for a brief moment, before a familiar sounding screech pierced the clouds from above, accompanied by the heavy flapping of wings larger than any others.

"Well, perfect timing." I said as I turned and looked up at the clouds.

I watched as the clouds were pushed aside, first by a glimmering green dragon, his wings as green as the greenest grass, followed by the dragon with wings so bright, that it was rumoured by the locals that the reflection could blind scores of enemies at once, and finally, the dragon feared by all others. His scales as black as the heart of the king he helped destroy, his wings the size of the sky itself, and the flapping of said wings powerful enough to uproot trees.

"Doron!" I shouted. 

Veracon and Ragon set down on either side of Doron as he looked over the edge of the valley and roared deafeningly. The other dragons all turned towards the group down in the middle of the valley at once, including the pair that Nina and Lucy had confidently approached.

"What did he tell them?" Amy asked.

"I don't know for sure. Either he approves of Lucy and her group, or he doesn't." I replied.

Tahli then tapped me on the shoulder.

"What if he does?" She asked.

"Then they might be graced with the ability to bond with a dragon, without running the risk of death." I replied.

"And if he doesn't?" Amy asked.

I turned to face her before answering.

"They all die." I replied.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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