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      Ryder cautiously proceeded down the slope with his hands down by his side. The rest of us watched curiously from over head as he stepped into the grass covering the valley floor. Several dragons took notice of him, but didn't see the value in attacking him, and thus allowed him to continue on his trek across the valley floor. He cautiously approached four young male dragons who were fighting over a female who sat off to the side watching.

"If he get's to close, they'll turn on him and rip him apart." I said as I half looked over my shoulder.

"Can't we do something?!" Jules asked frantically.

"Not without risking our own lives. The only one who has total control and authority over the others is Doron, and he obviously isn't around to help. He must prove that he is smart enough to not get killed by a dragon if he is to ride one." I replied.

We all returned our gaze to the Ryder as he stood off to the side of the competing dragons. One was dark orange with black markings tipping its scales, another was a loose mixture of green and black, similar to Ragon, the third was solid yellow and the forth was bright red with white spots dotting its back and wings. The four of them snapped at each other repeatedly as the female watched, before the four of them lunged at each other and turned into a tangled mess of claws, talons and wings. 

"Ryder! Get back!" Lucy shouted.

He didn't respond, likely because he couldn't hear her over the sounds of dragons fighting. The dull yellow dragon grabbed hold of the green dragon by the leg and tossed it to the ground before lunging towards it, spitting fire at its stricken adversary. The green dragon got back to its feet for a brief moment before it was again knocked down by its attacker. Sensing its demise was near, the green dragon stumbled to its feet once again before the yellow dragon spit fire towards it, severely wounding it, and making it an easy target. The yellow dragon grabbed hold of the it by the neck, and swiftly snapped its spine with its powerful jaws, before dropping the lifeless dragon to the ground for the last time. The yellow dragon let our a victorious roar briefly before it was interrupted by the red dragon, which grabbed hold of it by the neck and tossed it to the side before the orange dragon joined in the fight, spitting fire at its opponents. The red dragon was slightly larger than the others, giving it the advantage as it stood its ground against the other two. 

"Why aren't they paying attention to him?" Mark asked, referring to Ryder.

"He's nothing to them. He isn't a threat, and he isn't nearly enough food to loose a mate over. Perhaps after the fighting has passed." I replied.

The red dragon stood face to face with the other two, all three of them exchanging roars, as well as spreading their wings out to the side in an effort to make themselves look larger and more formidable. Finally, the yellow dragon snapped forward, flames flying at the red dragon. The two dragons locked their claws and teeth into each other. The red dragon quickly over powered his opponent and roasted the yellow dragon before ripping into its throat, spilling its blood onto the ground, killing it. Without hesitation, the red dragon turned towards the much smaller orange dragon and charged towards it. He grabbed his smaller adversary in his jaws and threw him to the ground before spreading his wings and roaring over his three downed opponents. The orange dragon stumbled to his feet before retreating, not willing to risk his life any further for a mate.

"My God... That's horrific. Why would they be so determined to kill each other over something like that?" Jules asked.

"Their population is rather low. There's only so many females to go around. As the years continue, and the population grows, the aggression will decrease." I replied.

I watched intently as Ryder watched the victorious male dragon claim his prize, before he cautiously approached the pair.

"He's going after the two of them? He's insane!" Lucy exclaimed.

"That may be so, but it shows bravery, which may win him a dragon." I replied.

Ryder stepped forward slowly, seemingly unnoticed by either dragon. He walked up rather confidently behind the two dragons, before he reached out to place his hand on the females tail. She was a glorious blend of silver with black stripes that reflected the sun nearly as much as Magar. I felt my heart pound as I anticipated the out come, before suddenly, the much larger male dragon took notice or Ryder and spun around to face him.

"He's going to die! He's going to die!" Jules screamed.

I didn't respond, and kept my eyes locked on Ryder. He stood confidently in front of the dragon, not showing any fear, which seemed to throw the male dragon off. He stepped back and lowered his head to make eye contact with Ryder, before circling around him, with Ryder matching every move the dragon made. The female didn't make any moves as the male circled around, though at one point she stepped to the side to get out of the males way. Finally, the male stopped and turned his body to face Ryder.

"Do it!" I shouted.

Ryder didn't move for a moment, seemingly frozen in place at the sight of such a glorious predator standing in front of him. Finally, Ryder slowly raised his hand up and stretched his hand out in front of him, holding it there without any further motion. The dragon looked confused at the gesture, but still took interest in Ryder, lowering his head down to Ryder's hand, taking in the scent and sight of the inferior creature standing before him. The gleaming red dragon stopped in front of Ryder and locked eyes with him, and for a moment, the two of them remained still. Then, Ryder seemed to take in a deep breath before allowing his head to fall forward and place itself on the dragons snout. He tilted his head down, probably expecting to be torn apart. But then Ryder slowly raised his head up to face the dragon standing proudly before him. The dragon shut its eyes for a moment before raising its head up above Ryder and letting out a low carrying roar that shook my insides.

"That... Is the bond." I said.

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