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      I stared in disbelief. I had no idea how Veracon possibly could have survived, or even managed to fly after being hit where he was. Doron hovered over the volcano's crater as Ragon and Veracon circled around him. All three dragons screeching and vocalizing as the two circling dragons got closer with every pass.

"Take us down!" I ordered Doron.

Doron landed in the center of the open field beside the volcano, Ragon and Veracon close behind. Tahli slid down Dorons wing and sprinted towards Ragon as he hurried over to her. He pressed his nose up against her as she hugged his snout.

"I was so worried about you! Never fly off like that again!" She said while hugging him.

I came to her side, with Doron behind me. I was patted her on the back, before I turned to see Veracon land off to the side. I walked over to him as he dropped his head to the ground.

"How? How did you manage to fly?" I said as I approached the dragon.

There was still an obvious wound on his shoulder when he had been hit. I examined the wound. It looked to me like when he had been hit, it caused the muscles to lock up, and the loss of blood probably reduced the strength in his wing. How he survived the kings army, I'll never know. I walked up to Veracon and went eye to eye with him. I could see the sorrow and despair in his eye.

I turned around to see Amy and Ragon meeting for the first time. Ragon seemed a little wary at first, before Tahli reassured him that she was a friend.


Amy turned to see me as I waved for her to join me. She came running up to me, as Veracon started to back away. I put my hand up to him, causing him to stop backing up and lowering his head to lock eyes with Amy.

"This dragon is Veracon. He was my sisters dragon before she died fighting. How he survived the fight, I don't know." I said.

"He's beautiful. His scales are brighter than the other two." Amy said.

"He sure is. I never thought we would see him again, the same for Ragon, the green dragon Tahli has." I said.

I looked over to Ragon, to see Tahli motioning for me to come to her.

"Come with me." I said to Amy.

We both walked over to Tahli as she turned away from Ragon to talk to us.

"We better get back in the air. We can't leave the army without someone to look up to in case things go bad." Tahli said as Ragon and Veracon bumped heads.

"Jonah's looking over them. I trust him to take care of things for a few days." I said.

Tahli looked back at the three dragons as they began to rest in the long grass of the field. The shade from the volcano making Doron look almost like a shadow.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Tahli asked.

"I don't know. We've spent so much time in the presence of so many others. This, where we are right now, brings back memories from so many years ago when the dragons were young. I wouldn't mind just staying here for a day or two before heading back." I said.

"Well, you're in charge. But, I haven't seen my dragon in to long. I'm going for a ride." Tahli said.

Tahli climbed atop Ragon and gave the command to take off. He spread his wings and ascended to the top of volcano, before vanishing through the clouds. Doron and Veracon rested down beside each other, as Veracon dropped his head to the ground and shut his eyes. The grass was soft, cold, and made a perfect bed. I collapsed to the ground, spreading my arms and legs through the grass, before quickly falling asleep.

I woke up some time later to the thud of Ragon landing in front of me. I sat up from my nap as Tahli dismounted Ragon and came to help me up.

"Have a nice nap?" She asked.

"Best sleep I've had in a while. Have a nice ride?" I replied.

"Hell yeah. It was gorgeous up there. Same as usual." Tahli said.

"So, I guess we'll leave tomorrow at sundown?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I guess that works." Tahli replied.

"I just don't know if Veracon will come back with us. He watched his rider die, and was very nearly killed himself." I said.

"If you give him the command, he should obey, right?"  Tahli asked.

"Doron obeys me, and Ragon obeys you, because we are their riders. Veracon has no rider." I said.

Tahli looked down for a moment, before turning and pointing at Amy.

"We have her." She said.

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