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      Bailey narrowed her eyes and looked Lucy up and down, before looking back at the rest of her group. She slowly lowered her blade to her side and stepped back as I placed my hand on her shoulder in a silent attempt to calm her down.

"Relax. They've already saved us once when the easily could have allowed us to be killed. Not to mention the fact that they easily could have been killed in the effort they made." I exclaimed.

"She's right Bailey. I think we should trust them." Amy added.

Bailey remained silent for a moment, before tossing her blade to the ground and stepping back up to Lucy and stopping confidently in front of her.

"What do you suggest we do then?" She asked in a calmer tone.

" I say you wait for them to come ashore and ambush them. If you fly out to meet them on the water, you will be easy targets. You still have a long while before that happens however. As the ships approached the shore, they were greeted by an endless range of mountains that looks to never end." Lucy said.

"I know those mountains. They go on for ever. It takes days to fly from one end to the other." Tahli said.

"Then it will take even longer for the ships to get past them. Your dragons fly far faster than any ship can sail." Lucy replied.

"As long as they don't find a place large and flat enough to come ashore, then your time isn't up. But don't wait, act." Jules said from behind Lucy.

I snapped my head to the right and locked eyes with her.

"And who would you be?" I asked boldly.

"My name is Jules. Lucy and I grew up together. If you trust her, you trust me, and the rest of us." She exclaimed confidently.

"You have to trust us. We can, and will help you defend your people from ours. We have seen the horrors that befell our home, and we have no intention to allow the same thing to happen to yours." Gordon added from the background.

Once again, silence fell over the group, with the only sounds present were the occasional chirping or birds, blowing of wing, and breathing of dragons. I debated what action to take as I looked over the group, judging their ability to fight against the enemies they claimed were bearing down on us. I looked around at the dragons as they sat silently around the valley. Doron snarled as he lowered his head down towards Lucy and made eye contact with her. 

"W-What's he doing?" She asked through her shaky voice.

"He's looking you over. Just stay calm and he won't hurt you." I replied.

She started breathing at a high rate as Doron snarled and showed his teeth. His eyes were wide and locked on Lucy, before he hissed and turned towards the other members of the group. He stepped to the side, lining up directly in front of the group, shaking the ground under his weight as his claws set down in the soft grass of the valley. After a moment of utter silence that filled the valley, Doron raised his head high above us all and let out a deafening screech that echoed off the valley walls, causing my ears to ring wildly like a bell that would never be silenced. He turned towards me and stopped.

"He see's the good in you. You all have his respect, and his protection." I said to the group.

"So... Now what do we do? We can't just stay here. We have to do something to stop them." Jules said.

I was about to respond, before I was interrupted by Doron grunting to get my attention. I looked into his glowing eyes and felt the connection between the two of us flowing through my veins, just as I had so many times before. I turned back to face Lucy, Jules and the others, before uttering my response.

"Now, you learn to fly."

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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