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       I readied my bow and brought it up to my shoulder.

"Get your knife." I said in a whisper.

The tree line was over one hundred feet away on all sides, but we had no cover from any predators should any decide to attack us.

"What is it?!" Amy asked frantically.

"Wolves. Lots of them." I said while scanning the tree line repeatedly.

I could see shining sets of eyes lighting up the tree line like the stars did the sky. I could see at least two dozen wolves peering through the trees from all sides.

"They must have smelled the meat." I said.

"B-but you can fight them off right? I've heard tons of stories about you fighting wolves and killing other predators while you raised the dragons in the forest." Amy said while crouching behind me.

"Yeah, that's all true, but usually I had a few over protective dragons backing me up, unlike this time." I said while panning my bow around in a circle.

"What do we do?" Amy asked in a whisper.

"If they don't attack, nothing."

"Can't we just throw the meat out in front of us and let them take it?" Amy asked.

"That amount of meat won't feed them all. They'll take anything they can get." I said.

We pressed out backs up against each other as I handed Amy my sword and drew my bow up once again. I could feel Amy's heart beating through her clothes and back, as well as my own. I waited for the sudden charge I knew was coming. Then, just as I thought they might turn away, the wolves charged out of from the tree line all at once.

"Stay close Amy!" I shouted.

I fired several arrows off in a few different directions. The only thing I was able to aim at were the shining eyes of the wolves. I watched as a few sets of eyes collapsed to the ground seconds after I had fired at them. I turned to see several wolves ripping apart the remaining deer meat, and a few more attacking the horse. I shafted a few of them with arrows before turning my attention to Amy, who was violently swiping at a wolf as it circled her.

"Amy! Get back!"

I shot an arrow at the wolf, hitting it square in the chest, killing it instantly. As I turned around, I was greeted by the sight of a wolf flying through the air towards me. I toppled to the ground as the wolf collided with me, the only thing keeping the wolf from ripping my throat out was the sword I had pressed up against its chest. Then, the wolf shrieked in pain and collapsed off of me. I looked up to see Amy standing there with a bloody knife in her hand as she reached out to help me up. We stood back to back once again, me with my sword, and Amy with her knife. I looked out over the grass, partially lit by the light of the fire. I saw several dead wolves lying slain on the ground, along with several others circling us, seemingly much more wary of us than they were initially.

"Don't make any sudden moves, or they'll charge again." I said.

"I can barely move at all right now." Amy replied.

I dropped the sword and picked up my bow once again, then drew an arrow and began panning around in circles. One wolf came in to close, so I put it down with one shot to the head.

"We're going to die out here." Amy said, sounding defeated.

I didn't want to say I agreed, though I certainly did, as I looked up and saw more wolves emerging from the trees. Then, I felt a familiar feeling. Amy seemed to sense my sudden shift of thought as she turned her head over her shoulder to see me looking around. Then, I looked up at the stars, and noticed a dark spot, that was growing closer and closer by the second.

"Doron." I said.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Mountain Dragon"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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