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      For a moment, no-one said anything, each person pondering what I had just said. One of the men who survived stepped forward just as I opened my mouth to speak.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked hesitantly.

I paused for a moment, before uttering my response.

"They could have slaughtered us all without suffering many more losses. They had no logical reason for their retreat. Should they report our position to their entire force, we stand no chance, even with the protection of the mountains." I replied.

"But, but could we not use the height of the mountains to attack from above? So to speak." Another man added.

I turned to look at him and shook my head slightly.

"Perhaps, but we would be over run at some point, and we are likely outnumbered by to much. Should we be attacked, those of us able to fight will do just that, as the rest retreat further into the mountains and spread out, in the hopes of avoiding detection." I said.

Amy grew a puzzled look on her face as I finished my sentence.

"I purpose that we instead instruct everyone unable to fight to spread out and leave now, while the remainder stay behind to fend off the enemy to give them as much time as possible. By the time they get past us, our people will have had as much time as they could get to disperse out as far away from one another as they can. I'm not saying that many more will not be found and killed, I'm simply suggesting that spreading out all through the mountains, rather than living in the same area will give everyone a higher chance of survival." Amy said confidently.

For a moment, everyone in the group looked around at one another, lightly nodding their heads.

"I second that." Tahli added.

"Right. I agree with Amy. We spread the word immediately. Women, children and elderly only. We need every able man fighting. Understood?" I exclaimed.

Everyone silently nodded their heads in agreement as I turned to mount my horse once again.

"Right. We've got no time to waste. We may mourn our dead at a later time. For now, we have our deeds." I said as Bailey hoped up on the horse and wrapped her arms around my waist.

We rode back with utter efficiency, and were met with the families of the men who had joined us in battle. While a few were struck with happiness and joy, most were reduced to tears and sadness by the time I had dismounted my horse. Without paying the crying any attention, I stepped out in front of the others and put my arms up, indicating I wished to speak. I waited for a moment until those closest to me quieted down, allowing me to speak, even while those in the background continued talking.

"My people, we have suffered a devastating loss. While this has been nothing new to us at first glance, the reality is that the threat that is upon us is far more deadly than anything we have every faced in our history. After some time considering, it has been decided that it is no longer safe to reside here. You must take your families, and any belongings you may have, and spread out all throughout these glorious mountains. However, any able man is asked to stay behind, in order to give his last in battle to give the rest of you more time to find a safe place to live. I ask now that you spread the word to as many as you can, and may your luck be good."

I turned away, before briefly shouting back over my shoulder.

"Oh, and try not to kill each other over supplies and resources. You've survived this far, don't die at the hands of one of your own."

As I turned back towards the group, I was met with Bailey stand in front of me with a slight smile.

"I'm staying with you." She said.

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