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Several Days Later

I was sitting up against Doron, with Bailey resting her head on my shoulders napping. It was mid day, with a cool breeze and a thick cloud cover. Amy was laying beside Veracon, fast asleep in the shade provided by his massive body. Tahli was off for a joy ride with Ragon, and most of the men were either resting, eating, off hunting or just relaxing. I heard Ragon screech off in the distance. I stood up, waking Bailey in the process and started looking around. I had a feeling that something wasn't right. I looked up in the direction of the screeches, and saw Ragon flying up over the peak of one of the shorter mountains. Tahli slide down the dragons wing and hurried over to me.

"Jess! The army, they're here! I saw them from above! Very few of our men are left alive, they've got soldiers right behind them. We must be ready to fight!" Tahli said while panting.

"How many men have followed them?" I asked as I readied my bow.

"Not nearly as many as we had hoped, but it's certainly a good number. Should we win this fight, we will be at a great advantage, at least in terms of numbers." Tahli said.

"Right. Ready the men, form a shield wall. Amy! Get in the air and get these men into a shield wall!" I said.

Amy nodded, mounted Veracon and took off. 

"Bailey, with me. Tahli, get up to that mountain peak. We'll dive on them from behind." I said.

Tahli mounted Ragon and flew up to the peak of the mountain, which was above the low clouds. Veracon was circling around over head, screeching and hissing wildly. The men looked up at the dragon, before scrambling into formation. I pulled Bailey along with me as I mounted Doron.


Doron took off and joined Veracon, circling over head as the men formed up. I looked over the side to see the wall of shields form. The shields were flimsy, wooden shields, the main weapon that would keep the soldiers back were the spears, and arrows. As the wall formed, filling the wide pass between the mountains, Amy and I flew up to join Tahli. As we flew around the mountain, I looked over the men waiting around a small narrower pass that were there to surround the soldiers from the rear. That group wasn't nearly as large as the one forming the shield wall however. I looked off in the distance to see a small group of our men being rundown and slaughtered by arrows, with an endless sea of soldiers not far behind.

"What's going to happen now?" Bailey asked as she grasped Doron's quills.

"Lot's of people are going to die. That's what." I said.

Bailey said nothing as she looked over the scene unfolding below us. We circled around the mountain peak to see Veracon and Ragon latched on to its side. Doron hooked his wing claws into the rocks and starred down at the clouds which mostly obscured our view, except for the occasional gap. I could here the thundering sound of thousands of horses, and shortly after I could here the war cries of thousands of men, each fighting for their own cause. Bailey hugged me tight. I could tell she was growing more and more scared by the second.

"Don't worry. It'll be alright. No matter what happens, I wont let anything happen to you." I said as I hugged her back.

I looked over to Amy and Tahli as they looked down, along with their dragons. I could hear the sound of men screaming, and I knew it was time attack. I waved to Amy and Tahli to signal the dive. The waved back, before looking down towards the clouds.

"Hang on." I said to Bailey.

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