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      Several Days Later

We had flown for days before we could see the valley off in the distance. I pointed excitedly as the three dragons let out roars of victory and joy, while dropping down to just above the trees. As we approached, I heard a familiar sound come from behind us. I turned around to see Magar, with Bailey on her back coming towards us. Doron cawed and clicked at his mate as the two dragons started circling each other. Bailey waved at me with a big grin on her face while I gave her the thumbs up to indicate that the suffering and fighting had finally come to an end. She smiled at me, before she motioned for us to follow as Magar banked away and flew down into the valley, landing next to the valley wall. I dismounted Doron and rushed over to Bailey with tears running down my face.

"Jess!" Bailey exclaimed as she jumped into my arms, sobbing.

"It's nice to be back." I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

As the two of us embraced in each other, Amy and Tahli approached.

"Hey kid. How's things been?" Tahli asked as she and Bailey hugged, followed by Amy.

"They've been good. Though your dragons have been missed, that's for sure." Bailey replied.

"I can see that." I said as Doron and Magar touched their wing tips together.

"Come on. Let's get back to the other two." I said.

We wandered through the valley, until finally up ahead, Alio and Tegon appeared out of the brush. Tegon flew over to Ragon and embraced with him as the exchanged vocals, but Alio just dropped her head to the ground.

"She looks sad." Amy commented.

"Can't say that I blame her." I replied.

But before any other comments could be made, Veracon cautiously approached the much smaller Alio. The small dragon seemed hesitant at first, but soon bowed her head to Veracon, before looking up at him and crawling under his massive chest, sealing the bond between the two dragons.

"Well, look at that." Amy said with a smile.

I smiled along with her, before I looked a little closer at were the females had been resting, and noticed several colors sticking out from the vegetation that carpeted the valley floor.

"No way!" I shouted as I ran over to Magar's spot. 

I pulled away the grass and twigs to reveal a nest of dozens of eggs. Red, blue, green, white, black, purple, yellow, brown, and orange eggs stuck out against the dark green grass. There were several dozens of eggs sitting before me. I could hardly believe my eyes, until Tahli and Amy did the same with Tegon and Alio's nesting spots. 

"There has to be at least one-hundred eggs here!" Amy shouted

"And they'll be able to breed with each other too! This is amazing!" Tahli added.

"Inbreeding wont stop them?" Amy asked.

"No. I has been suggested by our ancestors that dragons could even mate and breed with their own parents." I replied.

As I looked over the three nests spanning across the valley floor, Magar, Tegon and Alio approached their nests. The three of us silently backed away, and stood in front of our three dragons as we watched the mother-to-be's lit their nests aflame. I could feel Doron's breathing shake the ground slightly as my heart continued to beat out of my chest. As the smoke rose up, it blocked out the sun.

"Go see." Tahli said softly.

I slowly approached Magar's nest as the flames died down, and pulled a black egg from the burnt grass and twigs, placing it down in front of me. As I watched the egg, I looked around at the others, which had all started shaking, and some even cracking. I looked back down at the black egg, sitting proudly before me. I watched a crack creep its way up the front of the egg, until a small piece broke off and fell into the soft green grass of the valley floor. I looked into the small gap in the egg, and what I saw was something that brought back memories from so many years ago. There, in the egg, was the gleaming red and orange eye.... Of a dragon.

End of book 1

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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