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1 Week Later

The beach never seemed to end. It was an endless void of sand and heat, with little in the way of food or water. While we were not certain of it, we speculated that we had long since surpassed the aggressive dragons territory, which gave us a brief but much needed sense of ease that would flow over us every so often. The day had treated us well, with a thick cloud cover obscuring the suns harsh light, along with a much needed cool breeze. The season was slowly coming to an end, and it would soon be time for the leaves to change colour and fall to the ground, but for now, endless days in the sun would keep taking its toll, with only the clouds to provide any relief.

"How far do we plan to walk before we give up?" Tahli asked with clear irritation in her voice.

"As far as we have to. We've been over this." I replied firmly.

Tahli scoffed at my reply as the four of us walked somewhat aimlessly along the sandy shore. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten in three days after a deer escaped us after we had followed it for hours. The sound of the waves was soothing, and the breeze whipping through the thick forest complimenting it nicely. Then, the sounds of nature were cut off by the sound of a roar off in the distance, followed closely by two others that were clearly from different animals. 

"Dragons! Get to the trees!" Amy shouted as she bolted for the treeline.

The four of us ran for the trees as fast as we could through the sand as the sounds of dragons hunting grew closer by the heartbeat. As I grabbed Tahli's hand for her to pull me up the sand dune, three small dragons flew out from the trees far off to our left, with a much larger male dragon right on their tail, which was only slightly smaller than the female who we encountered back near Wade's village. It only took me a moment to realise that they were the three dragons that attacked the camp, one of which died in the attack. One of the three dragons struck me as the one that killed that young girl, confirming that they were the three survivors from the attack. Flames filled the air as the three dragons desperately tried to evade their pursuer. The largest of the three, the one that killed the young girl was suddenly caught in the larger dragons flame. His body caught fire as he screeched in pain, slowly falling to the ground before the predator grabbed his prey in his jaws as the two of them collided with the ground. The other two dragons made for the trees, taking shelter uncomfortably close to us as their companion was torn apart by the much larger male, crying out in terror before falling silent. The four of us watched silently as the dragons wing slid down his attackers throat, with the two survivors cowering in fear under the cover of the trees. The larger dragon was a dull shade of black and brown that mixed together with no real order, while the two smaller ones that had survived were blue with brilliant gold stripes, the other bright red with shimmering white stripes. They both remained still and silent as they slowly backed into the trees, not even paying us any attention before finally turning and running off into the trees. Their attacker pondered going after them as he gazed at the trees, before deciding against it and taking to the air in the opposite direction.

"He's hunting them, and there's no reason he won't do the same to us. Let's go." Amy 

"If he wanted to kill us, I doubt he'd have flown away." Tahli replied.

"Would you like to stay behind to find out?" Amy snapped as she swung her head around.

Tahli said nothing before grunting, then rising to her feet and cautiously setting back out onto the sand. The three of us followed her, scanning the area for any sign of the two dragons as the larger one flew off into the clouds.

"Stay close. If they attack us, we split up and hit them from both sides." Amy said confidently.

Tahli seemed displeased, but figured that protesting would do no good, and remained silent. I looked back at the spot where the young dragon was taken down. The otherwise bright yellow sand was covered in blood and partially scorched by the dragons fire, with deep gouges carved into the sand by the dragon claws and tail. I felt a deep sense of sadness well over me at the thought of another dragon dying off, leaving very few left alive.

"I don't know where you are, and I don't even know if you're still alive. But i'm coming for you." I thought to myself.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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