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      The once peaceful beach was now covered with an endless sea of men, unloading weapons and supplies, with untold numbers of ships in the background, many of them still waiting for a chance to offload their contents. Just as Veracon and Ragon shot over the hill, Doron let out a roar that got the attention of everyone on the beach, before diving towards them fearlessly.

"Take them out!" I shouted.

Doron strafed the beach along the water line as Veracon and Ragon stayed close behind, picking off ships caught in the process of unloading, unable to defend themselves. I looked back to see Bailey, Jules and the others diving down on the beach, lighting it up with their own streams of flame. After the first pass, we all retreated back towards the hills, before the larger weapons on the ships had a chance to react to us.

"Stay close! Cover our men!" I shouted to Jules as she flew past, nearly losing her grip and falling to her death.

Just as we reached the hills, the small army crested the hill and broke into a full charge, with their weapons held up as they chanted war cries. I looked back to the beach, and was overtaken with the sight of thousands of men lining up shoulder to shoulder with their weapons aimed at the approached warriors. I watched as the line of men was lit up by small explosions coming from the tips of their weapons, sending thousands of warriors to the rocky sand in violent tumbles that left the ground running red with blood as the screamed in pain. Before I knew it, the men lined up on the beach stepped back, allowing a second line of men to take their place and fire their weapons into the army, killing hundreds more in seconds as the first line prepared their weapons to fire again.

"They aren't going to get close. We've got to take out those men." I uttered to myself.

We spread out across the beach and punched flaming holes in the firing line one by one as our remaining men sent hundreds of arrows towards the enemy, killing hundreds with their lethal pointed tips. Just as we turned back to attack again, the sound of their weapons suddenly became much louder, and lower. I looked to the ships still waiting to offload, to see the larger weapons on their sides firing towards the shore, blowing holes in the ground where ever they landed, and killing dozens more men with every impact. Doron dove on several ships that weren't firing, mostly un-crewed due to them being in the middle of offloading. With seemingly no effort, he sent the helpless ships up in flames, destroying what ever they had on board, and likely killing dozens, maybe hundreds of men in the process. We dropped down to ground level and surveyed the battle unfolding below. Dozens of men and horses dropping every second, only returning a handful of arrows in return, with hundreds of dead bodies on the opposing side burning beyond recognition.

"Watch it! They're shooting up at us!" Ryder shouted as he flew up along side me.

Before I even had a chance to contemplate what he had said, Durio suddenly jolted upwards and cried out in pain with blood pouring from a wound that had suddenly been torn open by the fire of one of the ships canons. The dragon tried to stay in the air, but was unable to keep himself upright, and quickly fell to the ground and crashed, flipping over and crushing Ryder, along with dozens of other men who were caught off guard by the sudden mass coming down on top of them.

"Shit! Watch yourselves!" I shouted out.

I turned my attention back to the firing line, which kept replenishing itself no matter how hard we hit it. Our army was laying mostly dead in pools of blood, with horses laying dead along side them. The sounds of their weapons was deafening, and the vibration that traveled through my body with every shot sent chills down my spine. I looked down at the dead dragon, slain at a young age by a needless conflict, before turning back to the sky to see Magar circling around over head. She confidently dove down at the ships along the shore, strafing them and soaring away with ease. I watched as the purple dragon turned towards us, with Bailey mounted proudly on her back. Suddenly, seemingly in time with the firing of one of the ships canons, Magar screeched in pain as she jolted to the side, still coming towards us. I watched in horror as Doron called out to Magar as she passed underneath him, heading for the hills for shelter. 

"Follow them!" I shouted frantically.

Doron turned away from the fight and followed the helpless Magar as she shrieked in pain, while slowly drifting towards the ground. Just as she had made it past the crest in the hill, the young dragon tried to land, but instead violently crashed into the hard, rocky ground and flipped over several times, tossing Bailey far off to the side before finally coming to rest. Magar moaned in pain and struggled, but Bailey remained just as still as the countless dead bodies covering the beach.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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