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Several Weeks Later


I fluttered my eyes at the harsh light peering through them as a familiar voice said my name softly. I sat up and looked around, confused as to why the sun was so bright before I realized that Doron had wandered off, leaving me out in the open. I faced forward once again to see Bailey knelt down in front of me with Amy standing close behind her. I stumbled as I got to my feet and looked around. Doron and Magar were sleeping in the shade of a cliff face we had stopped at the base of for the night. I grunted and waved my hand in disapproval before turning back To Bailey.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner? The sun has already risen. We've got to get a move on." I said in an irritated tone.

"We figured we'd let you rest for a while longer. You have't slept well lately." Amy said.

I sighed as I stretched out my arms and yawned. We had traveled for weeks, trying to stay one step ahead of our elusive pursuers. Though I was still tired from the endless traveling, I couldn't shake the urgent feeling to keep moving as far as we could before being stopped by the coast. While I still hadn't figured out what would happen once we hit the worlds end, I didn't feel as though it would do any of us any good to dwell on it.

"Come on. We've got to get moving. We've not got any time to waste." I said.

I turned to Doron to get his attention, only to find that he had somehow come up right behind me without me noticing. How he had avoiding shaking the ground under his weight was beyond me, though I didn't care to question it. I didn't say another word as I mounted the dragon. I looked up at the monstrous cliff faced that dwarfed us many times over, before looking back out to the horizon, imaging what we would find upon crossing it. Before the others even had a chance to take notice of me, Doron and I took off away from the cliff face grabbing the attention of everyone who seemed caught off guard, with the exception of Amy and Bailey. As we ascended, I felt the unusually cool air pass over my skin, which sent shivers down my spine similar to that of cold rain touching my skin. I looked back to see Magar climbing to join us, with the others not far behind. 

"We're going to be alright. We're going to be alright." I said to myself.

The Next Day

We had flown all through the night, having been unpleasantly surprised by a brief storm that made for an uncomfortable night considering the lack of protection from the harsh weather. Why we had flown through the night was beyond me. I had given Doron the command to land several times, only to be ignored each time. While I had grown rather frustrated at my commands being tossed aside with no real reason, I had a feeling that everything had its reasons, and this would prove to be no exceptions.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked as I lightly rubbed Doron's thick scales.

He gave no clear response, and just kept his eyes locked on the horizon as the sun started peaking up from above it. My eyes were heavy from lack of sleep once again, but I managed to keep my head up to face the sun as it warmed my face from the brutal weather during the night, as a form of relief that was much desired without question. I took in a deep breath, giving me a sudden boost of energy, before I noticed something in the distance. I squinted, trying to make out what I was seeing, before I figured out what was presenting itself to us.

"The mountains." I said in relief.

Doron let out a roar that carried out to the mountains in the distance, standing out from the otherwise brightly lit horizon line as black silhouettes.

"We've made it. At long last, we've made it." I said in relief. Relief I had not felt since my early child hood, though I couldn't shake the feeling that it would be short lived.

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