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      Doron circled around his brothers once more, before rolling over and diving towards the nearest ship directly below. The sound of their weapons was deafening, causing my ears to ring uncontrollably as we made the short dive towards the ships below. We started towards the ship nearest to the shoreline, firing its weapons towards it, causing part of the cliff face to collapse into the waves that endlessly crashed up against the steep rock face.

"FIRE!" I shouted as I held my bow up above my head.

Doron reared his head back before letting fire rain down upon dozens of ships that found themselves in his path, sending them all up in flames. The flames created a spectacular show of flaming ship decks collapsing in on themselves, swallowing many of the men on bored with them. As Doron turned to attack again, I watched as Veracon and Ragon dove down on the ships from above, choosing their own targets and sending them to the bottom of the abyss.

"Good! Again!" I shouted as I waved my bow off to my side.

Doron rolled to the left and dove towards the ships again to burn them, when out of nowhere, their weapons unleashed their furry in our direction. I could see men on the deck shooting up at us with their hand held weapons, though they seemed to bounce off the thick scales covering the dragons skin. Then, the larger weapons, the ones that were fixed to the decks of the ships started shooting at us as well. I panicked as we flew over head, but I noticed that these larger weapons couldn't shoot straight up at us, and could only fire to the side of the ship.

"Okay... So if we stay above them, their bigger weapons are useless." I said out loud as Doron dove down for another attack.

"Jessica! Jessica! Stay with me!" Tahli shouted as she flew past.

Without thinking, we followed as Ragon dropped down on the ships below, burning dozens of ships before grabbing hold of one in his talons and dropping it down on another, destroying the two ships and sending them both to the bottom of the relatively shallow bay. I scanned the watery battlefield. I noticed another piece of shore rock sticking out opposite the first one. If we could trap some of the ships within the small bay, they would be easy to destroy.

"Okay. Let's do this." I said as I patted Doron at the base of his massive neck.

Without me having to say anything further, he dove towards the ships sailing parallel to the shore line and lit them up with brilliant streams of flames. As the ships sailed past the bay, several were forced to steer away from those that had been destroyed by the flames, the only direction void of burning ships was towards the wide, shallow bay. Tahli and Amy seemed to understand my plan, as they continued the attack that forces dozens of ships into the bay, until the bays mouth was filled with ships burning and slipping just beneath the waves. The depth of the water in the bay prevented the ships from sinking fully below the waves, blocking the remaining ships that had tried to flee into the bay as the rest of the massive armada continued up the shoreline.

"Leave them, we kill them all first." I said to Doron referring to the ships in the bay.

The three dragons circled around each other, calling out to one another before diving down to the ships caught in our trap, ripping through their lightly built decks with their powerful flames. One by one, the ships slipped just beneath the waves, the smoke bellowing from their burning wooden hulls masked by the powerful waves that swallowed the ships with ease. I looked beyond the bay at the rest of the armada as they continued to sail along the shore. I knew that not far away was a piece of shore flat and wide enough for them all to go ashore. If that happened, there would be little we could do in order to stop them from over running the villages that were scattered across our peaceful land.

"Go! We have to follow them!" I shouted as I waved to Tahli and Amy.

Amy acknowledged me with a returning wave before Veracon banked away towards the ships as the sailed for the horizon, in the direction of the shore clearing. The three of us flew together as we ascended high above the cliffs once again. I watched intently as we glided over head looking down at our targets. The flapping of giant wings filled my ears, before the sound of much smaller wings joined them. I peered over my shoulder to see Magar flapping her wings as fast as she could to catch up with us, with Temano and Jules along side her, with Ionia and Lucy just behind. Doron reacted to something below him, and when I looked down, I saw the rest of the group rising to meet us.

"What are you doing?" I shouted angrily to Bailey.

"We fly together, or we don't fly at all!" She replied.

I glared at herm fighting a smile that managed to creep across my face as we closed in on the ships below. As we neared the ships, their larger weapons, which were called canons, started firing up at us once again. We split up to make it more difficult for them to hit us as we dropped down to just above the waves. Along side Doron, the much smaller Keplon confidently flew over him, her teeth showing as she reared her head back to let her flames fly. Nina held her weapon proudly above her head as the dragon spit flames at the nearest ship, sending it up in flames with ease. Suddenly, the dragon screeched in pain at the same time as the loud bang created by one of the other ships canons. Keplon cried out in pain as her wings went limp, causing her to drop from the air and collide with one of the ships below, destroying it. I looked back as the ship sank beneath the waves, with the nearly lifeless dragon shut her eyes for the last time before slipping beneath the waves with it. I slowly turned my head back towards the ships ahead of me as Doron and the others quickly flew up to escape the deadly canon fire. I looked back down at the ships below and around at the remaining dragons, before I reluctantly sent what remained of the group into a situation that I knew would probably claim many of their lives.


Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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