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Several Weeks Later

   We had flown far across the land, over the vast forests and wide open plains. Mighty storms and harsh famine wore our strength down as we traveled away from the coast in a desperate attempt to escape a needless slaughter. While we had been beaten down to the point of indescribable misery and suffering, the dragons who protected us seemed to be no more than irritated by our lack of awareness and abilities. We had passed by several villages, all of them seemingly vacant. We made no effort to stop and check each and every village we passed by, as there was no way we could possibly transport all of those who survived to where ever we were pointlessly going. By now it felt as though we had managed to out run the threat at hand, though that was probably only a false sense, considering that they had somehow gotten to Surrie's village before we did. We hadn't found what we considered a safe haven yet, but we had all come to the agreement that we were making for the mountains that lined the far coast. As far away from the enemy as we could get. I had just hoped that our people would have the same idea, and not be caught and murdered in their escape. 

It was early morning, with a few clouds dotting the otherwise clear sky. The clouds were turning into a beautiful shade of orange that closely resembled a dragons fire. We had taken to the air only moments ago after a less than satisfying sleep, with chilling wind and the fear of death keeping us awake for most of the night. It was still better than a few weeks back however, when a terrible storm soaked us to the bone, with only the grass under the dragons wings providing a dry, somewhat comfortable place to sleep. I felt weak from the lack of food that had forced itself on us, as we had little time to hunt in the effort to stay one step ahead of our pursuers. The dragons hadn't had much food either, though for what ever reason, nature decided to give them an adaptation that allowed them to not feed for extended period. If only we had the same luxury. I felt my hands briskly rub along Doron's thick, rough scales, even though they were still rather numb from the nights cold, stale air. The sun assaulted my eyes as it peaked through the thin clouds that up until that point had dimmed and softened its harsh light. I looked back over my shoulder as the others flew along side one another, dwarfed by Doron's unrivalled size. It still had my head spinning that a creature of his size was nothing more than a sparrow to his ancestors, who's size I can't imagine.

I felt weak as I was carried through the air, my hair being blown back from my field of vision by the breeze, which was warming rapidly as the sun continued to rise, dominating the sky with its warm light. My skin felt amazing as the warmth glossed over it, receiving it of the cold that had taken over my body during the seemingly endless night. I scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of mountains that could provide some kind of shield that might just save a few of us from death. As I looked off in the distance, I was unable to spot anything that brought me any hope, except for the ever rising sun. I sighed as the feeling of hopelessness spread over me once again, after a brief sense of pride that drifted over me for no real reason, except perhaps to keep me going.

I looked down at Doron's head as he tilted it back towards me, and locked his glowing eyes on mine. I could tell that he looked to me for direction. He was fearful for his own life, as well as fearful for his own kind. I had seen him mourn very similar to myself over the loss of one of his own children, a pain that I have come very close to feeling several times in the past. My parents, my sister, my partner, my people, all dying needlessly to serve the greed of someone else. I had seen this dragon grow from the size of a bird, to a predator that had outgrown any living creature anywhere in the world, yet he had been brought to his knees by our new enemy, who seemed to have taken everything we ever had, and ever would have, away.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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