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      2 Weeks Later

It was mid day, with thick clouds over head and a cool breeze covering the other wise overwhelming heat from the sun beating down on us. Magar and Tegon snapped at each other as the ripped into what remained of a bison they had both caught. I was lying on my stomach in the grass on the rivers edge, scooping water into my mouth, when Tahli sat down beside me.

"Thirsty?" She asked.

"Very much so." I said as I rolled over and sat up with my back to the river.

"They're growing fast." Tahli said.

I looked over at Tilio sitting up against Ragon as he slept in the afternoon sun.

"Not fast enough. We can't wait that long." I replied.

Tahli sighed before grabbing her bow from the long grass and standing up.

"We can't rush it." Tahli said as she looked around.

"Yeah, I know. But we also can't wait for ever."

As I stood up, Bailey came up to us with Magar following behind her. Magar stayed close by behind Bailey with her head hovering over Bailey the entire time.

"What's up?" I asked as Bailey approached.

"Not much. Magar and I are going for a ride." Bailey said.

I looked at Tahli with a grin on my face.

"Mind if Doron and I tag along?" I asked.

"Sure! Just don't be to slow." She said jokingly.

I chuckled as I picked up my bow.

"I'll try not to slow you down." I replied.

Magar backed up, turned sideways and spread her wing out for Bailey to climb. She secured her self on Magar's back and turned to look at me.

"See you up their!" She exclaimed as Magar took off over the river. 

Doron dropped his wing down beside me, and I practically sprinted up to mount him.

"Be safe!" Jonah yelled from the fire pit.

I blew him a kiss and secured myself on Doron's back and looked out ahead of me.


Doron took off over the river after Magar. He ascended until we were level with The purple dragon. Bailey and I smiled at each other as we flew through the clouds and emerged above them. The cloud formations looked like walls around us, the wind was cool, mixed with the warmth of the sun against my skin. Magar stayed close to Doron even through the wild maneuvers of play and enjoyment. Doron rolled over several times as Magar dove down, then back up again. The two dragons screeched and clicked at each other as the circled around each other. We flew around for several hours through the clouds, and at one point the two dragons even hovered face to face and chirped at each other. As they hovered and exchanged vocal sounds back and forth, Magar rolled over and dove down to just above the clouds. Doron gave chase and came in to just behind her.

"Jeez you guys are in a good mood today!" I shouted to Doron.

As the maneuvers calmed down and were reduced to casual flight, I felt somewhat dizzy from all the twisting and turning. Magar slowed down until she was just over Doron's left wing. The small dragon looked down at me curiously, along with Bailey. The two dragons had gone from being loud and vocally active to very timid and quiet.

"Tired out?" I asked sarcastically to Doron.

Magar snapped her head to the side and rolled to the left, away from Doron as she seemed to take interest in something. Doron snapped his head up, before looking down at the clouds. He seemed to be searching for something, before turning to follow Magar. The two of them started to descend towards the clouds. I was starting to get confused, and a little nervous as we got nearer and nearer to the clouds. 

"What's going on?" I asked him as if I actually expected an answer.

The two of them swerved around, seemingly trying to pin point something. I figured they had caught the scent of a prey animal, and just weren't sure where it was. I wasn't sure why they didn't go below the clouds to try and spot it, but this led me to believe it was perhaps a flock of birds, or maybe one of the other dragons had followed us up without us knowing. We flew for some time, occasionally changing direction, and every so often descending slightly towards the clouds. Then, both dragons flicked their heads down to the left. doron screeched before both him and Magar folded their wings up and dropped straight down to the clouds. After several seconds of free fall, Doron and Magar spread their wings up, catching them out of the dive and nearly throwing me off Doron's back as he snapped his head up. They cautiously lowered themselves to just above the clouds as a clearing approached up ahead. I looked over the side and looked down through the brief gap in the clouds. It took me several seconds to come to terms with what I was looking at, but once I figured it out, my heart sank to what felt like the bottom of the ocean.

"Jess?!" Bailey shouted.

"I know. I see!" I replied.

I looked over the open plains, to see dozens of long range bows being pulled by horses in the direction of the river, though there was no soldier cover, only several bows and their crews.

"Come on. We've got to get back." I said to Doron.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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