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        2 Years Later

Amy and I were sitting at the base of a large pond with a high water fall cascading down into it. The afternoon sun was mostly blocked out by the thick vegetation that lined the Valley wall. We had been living in the valley for more than two years, and had managed to remained hidden from the outside world, and the king. I knew that he likely figured that we had gotten away, considering that none of his hunting party returned. Tilio and Yulion came to the ponds edge and began drinking the cool, calm water. They had all grown much larger than they were when we found the valley.  Nearly five times the size, at much faster rate than Doron, Veracon and Ragon grew when they were younger. I had assumed the faster growth rate was due to the regular supply of food provided by Doron and the other two. They were now easily large enough to hold their own in a fight, yet I was still hesitant to attack once again. After the major loss of life back at the volcano, I wasn't sure that i'd be able to convince anyone to fight for me once again. I had considered it several times, but something kept telling me I needed to wait. As I sat in my deep pondering state, I heard a familiar clicking sound above me. I looked up to see Doron trailing behind Magar and Tegon as they glided above the valley, Doron's massive shadow blocking out any sun light that managed to get down to the valley floor as he passed over head.

"What are they doing?" Tahli asked as she approached from behind us.

"He's courting them." I replied.

"Really? Are they even able to produce eggs yet?" Tahli asked.

"That depends. It's speculated that some female dragons become fertile much younger than others, the reasons why some dragons become fertile sooner than others has been lost to us over the years of war that shaped our world". I replied as the two dragons circled around over head.

Just then Bailey came to join us. She and Jonah had been collecting fire wood else where in the valley.

"Are they going to have eggs?" Bailey asked as she walked up to us.

"Maybe. If Magar accepts Doron as her mate." I replied.

"Why can't they Veracon or Ragon mate with one of the others?" Amy asked.

"Doron's the alpha. He has mating rights over any of the other males in the group. He would have to either give permission, or be defeated in a fight for one of the others to mate." I replied.

Shortly after we settled in the valley, Veracon and Ragon started their own attempts to court the younger females, though Doron, being much larger, easily prevented it. Derion had also challenged Doron for mating rights, but that fight lasted only a few seconds. After the courting began, the dragons refused to venture very far from the valley, so even if we wanted to attack the king again, we couldn't do so since they wouldn't leave.

As Doron circled around with Tegon and Magar,  Yulion attempted to approach Alio as she sat in the shade under a tree napping. He cautiously approached her and lowered his head to the ground as she raised hers up. 

"Look at that." Amy exclaimed as we all turned to observe the encounter.

"They're all going into heat?" Tahli added.

"Yes. And much sooner than I thought they would." I replied.

As the two dragons circled around each other, clicking and nodding their heads to each other. Cumano joined in as Yulion turned to face him. The two dragons began hissing and screeching at each other as Alio stepped back under the tree.

"Are they going to fight?" Bailey asked as she clung to my side.

"It certainly looks like it." I replied.

The two young dragons snapped at each other, before Yulion grabbed hold of Cumano's neck and tossed him to the ground. Both dragons shot flames at each other wildly, lighting several trees on fire in the process. Cumano slashed at Yulion with his wing claw, scratching into his scales. Alio circled around the fight as they continued to snap at each other, Yulion bleeding from a deep gash on his upper jaw.

"They're going to kill each other!" Bailey shouted.

Before I had a chance to say anything, I felt the urge to look behind us. 

"No they're not."

Veracon was approaching the fight from behind, and both young dragons disengaged from fighting as Veracon roared down at them. Both dragons had shed blood during the fight, but they knew Veracon could rip them both apart if he felt so inclined. As the two younger dragons moved aside, Veracon approached Alio. The young female drago chirped at him as he raised his much larger head up and spread his wings to display his colors, attempting to gain her trust and permission to approach further. But before Veracon managed to convince Alio, Doron came down beside him and quickly reduced Veracon to a cowering mess of fear and submission as he backed away and allowed Doron to claimed his prize. Tegon and Magar landed down behind him as he let out a victorious roar. Ragon looked down over the valley wall as he sat perched at the top of it. 

"Well, I think we know who's going to have the next clutch of eggs." Tahli said with a chuckle.

 "Yeah. Let's just hope it doesn't come to late." I said.

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