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      We all stood silently, staring at the lifeless body of the dragon Magar had brought down. May  cautiously approached the body, repeatedly looking back to Magar for clearance to go closer, before continuing. Even though it was clear that the dragon was dead, I still felt nervous approaching it. However, I was determined to take a look at the armour that covered the dragons underside. I motioned for the others to follow me as we walked up to the body, trying to avoid the pools of blood streaming across the ground. 

"Jeez. She really ripped him up." Amy said.

I knelt down at examined the armour through one of the large gashes torn open by the tip of Magar's claw. The metal seemed to be in several layers overlapping each other, running in opposite directions. I reached out and pulled a dangling piece off to look at it a little closer, regardless of the fact that it was covered in blood.

"It's heavy. Really heavy." I exclaimed.

"Well, that may prove to work in our favour when we come across them again." Tahli said.

"How so?" Bailey asked curiously.

"They're much smaller than Magar, so their wings aren't nearly as strong as hers, but they have a lot of added weight with that armour. That will reduce their mobility in flight. They can still easily out maneuver us, but they'll be weighed down more than they're built to be." Tahli replied.

"So... Are we going to go after them and just kill them? Could we not at least try to sway them?" Amy asked.

Tahli, Bailey and all looked at her, partially chuckling at the outlandishness of what she'd said.

"You saw how willing they were to attack Magar, and she dwarfs them. Hundreds of years ago, thousands of dragons happily slaughtered each other without giving it a second thought. And given who they're loyal to, I doubt there's anything we can do to sway them. I don't like it either, but you and I both know all we can do is to kill them." I replied.

Amy shrugged her shoulders before looking to the head of the dead dragon, with blood oozing out onto the ground, likely from crushed organs inside. She lightly tapped on his snout repeatedly, before looking back to me with sadness on her face. I stepped to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"You know it's our only option. It's for the good of our people." I said.

"Then don't you think we should get moving?" Tahli shouted.

"That might need to wait a minute." Bailey replied.

I tilted my head to the side to see her, standing next to Magar. She had blood running down her right leg, coming from a gash torn into it, seemingly from her victims claws or teeth.

Tahli gave it a brief glance, before shaking her head.

"She'll be fine. If we're to use her for war, she needs to be durable. A few scratches shouldn't be enough to take her down. She's been through a lot. A scratch on her leg certainly won't pass for a reason not to fight." She said before walking away.

"Well then, let's get moving. We didn't die the first time, that doesn't mean we don't do it again. Now we know that there's four hostile dragons flying around unchecked with someone who's some how managed to tame them, as well as an entire population of people who have destroyed their homeland, and now they're going to do the same to ours. I say we keep going." I exclaimed.

"Agreed. Let's go. But keep your eyes open. They're likely still in the area." Amy added.

As Tahli and Amy went to mount Magar, Bailey stopped me from following by grabbing hold of my arm. I turned to her with a confused look on my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She paused for a moment.

"Are you sure we have to do this? We got lucky the first time. Maybe that's a sign to take our luck and run." She said.

I half grinned.

"No, it's a sign that we should fight for our freedom, and fight for our homeland. Death is part of war, and war is part of life." I replied.

She returned my half grin, before stepping around me and up Magar's wing.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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