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      Later that night, as the stars lit the lake up, making it appear to be covered in fireflies, we packed our weapons, and readied our dragons. I walked over to Doron as he sat on the lake edge looking up at the stars. His eyes were full of starlight as he trained them on me. I came to his side and placed my hand on his massive chest. I could feel his heart beating and his lungs filling with air, before exhaling it. The rumbling feeling was very humbling. 

"You ready?" Micha said as she climbed up on Veracon.

I turned to see her looking at me from his back.

"I guess so... I just hope it works."

I called over to Tahli as she mounted Ragon.

"Just stay close to me! Don't leave my side!"

All three dragons turned and walked back towards the tree line, then turned to face the lake.

"Fly." I said.

Doron started in a powerful run towards the lake, before spreading his massive wings and leaping into the air. Followed closely by Ragon and Veracon. As we flew over the water, I looked over Dorons side to see the water lit up by the light of a million stars. We ascended up to the height of the mountain peeks, in the direction of our home village. I had butterflies in my stomach, and I knew Micha and Tahli were feeling the same. As we neared the village, I could sense Doron starting to feel uneasy.

"Easy bud. It's going to be alright."  I said while rubbing the back of his over sized neck.

We neared the village, I could see the lights up ahead. I signaled Tahli and Micha to get in close, as we circled around searching for the soldiers quarters. Then, off in the distance, I saw a large, grew building, flags with the kings sign of a slain dragon lining the outside. 

"That's it!" I called to Micha and Tahli.

We started in a dive on the buildings, the few people in the streets looked up in shock at the sight of three supposedly extinct animals diving on them. Doron let loose with a stream of fire, the building walls started to crumble almost on contact with the intense flame as Ragon and Veracon joined in the attack. The building erupted in flames as soldiers started emerging from the front moments later. Civilians went running in all directions as the soldiers started shooting arrows and throwing spears up at us. Doron and I dove on them and swiftly burnt them all in one quick pass over head. Doron landed just at the base of the building, and destroyed the lowest floor, bringing it to the ground.  He turned to face the small, beat up houses that lined the streets several hundred feet away. People slowly started to stick their heads out of their houses cautiously.

"Is that a dragon?"

I started to hear people murmuring to each other as they pointed to Doron, who was sitting calmly in front of the destroyed building with his head head up high. I dismounted Doron to try and convince people to come closer. As I stepped in front of Doron, people began to take interest as a crowd of hundreds turned to Thousands. They looked at Doron in aw just as Ragon and Veracon came in beside him. Micha and Tahli came to my side as I stood confidently before the crowd.

"Tell them." Micha said.

I nodded to her, then turned and climbed to the top of Dorons head. I stood up on top of his head and looked out over the crowd as all of their eyes drew to me. I looked down to Micha and Tahli, then back out to the crowd.

"My name is Jessica Albo. I lost my parents to the kings guard many years ago. I acquired these dragons eggs just before my parents passing, given to me by my father. He told me to hatch them, using fire. To raise them, grow them, train them. He told me to use them to bring justice to our people, for all the king has done to us. However, we can not do it alone. We have no army. We need one." 

They all started to look around at each other, as the talking started to get louder and louder.

"So, will you fight for me? Will you fight with me? Will you fight for your families? You selves? Your future?!" I yelled out over the crowd.

The crowd started cheering, the sheer volume of supporting words and war cries sent shivers down my spine. 

"Gather your weapons, we ride to the surrounding villages, we rally a monster army, and we take back what was once ours!"

Men started to return with swords, bows, arrows, spears, all on horseback. The women and children returned to the houses out of fear, as the men rallied around the three dragons.

"Now, Now! Now we ride! Now we take back our freedom!"

Micha and Tahli mounted their dragons, as the men held up their spears in support. Doron gave a fierce bellowing roar as he spread his wings and took off over the huge crowd of newly appointed warriors. As the three of us flew over head, they all looked up and shouted at us in support and rally from horse back. We rode off as the sun started to come up towards the next village to do the same their. Finally, our army was building. Finally, we would have our justice. My fathers words burned into my head like a brand on a cow, and the image of my parents death fueled my resolve. Doron seemed to sense my adrenaline, as he gave another motivating roar as we passed over the band of warriors galloping below us. We continued until the next village came into view up ahead. Now the soldiers would be awake, though they wouldn't live long. The three of us would burn them alive before the warriors would get a chance to get killed. 

"Finally.. it's happening." I said to myself.

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