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      Magar was constantly panning her head back and forth, looking around frantically, as May kept trying to stay below Magar, chirping nervously. I was confused, unsure of what it was that was bothering them. The clouds obstructed any view we could have had of what was high about us, and a lower cloud layer blocked our view of below. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but the behaviour of the two dragons was making my skin crawl with nervousness.

"What's her problem?" Amy asked, referring to Magar.

I pondered for a moment, unable to come up with anything.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps there's more soldiers nearby. Could be an easy catch." I replied.

But I could sense Magar's uneasiness. She was clearly agitated by something, and May seemed just as fearful. I got the urge to ready my bow, expecting Magar to dive through the clouds and attack a much larger group of soldiers, but she didn't. She just kept flying in a straight line, looking all around her, occasional growling and even breathing fire at one point.

"Somethings very wrong." I said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Tahli replied.

Magar suddenly stopped her abnormal behaviour, and locked her gaze on a section of clouds up ahead of us. I felt my heart pound when I came to terms with what she must have been scared of. 

Just as my heart felt as though it was going to burst from my chest, a roar came from above the clouds.

"Dragons?" Amy exclaimed.

Before I had a chance to respond, five dragons, small in size compared to Magar, came diving from the clouds. It didn't take long for me to notice that they had a protective covering of metal over their undersides. One of the five was much larger than the other four, and was bright yellow, with a dull brown underside. As it came down on us, I realised something.

"There's... Someone riding it?!" I shouted.

But without warning, Magar rolled and dove for the ground as several streams of flame flew over our heads. I looked over my shoulder to get a glimpse of our five pursuers. The mystery rider had a metal mask covering his face, and seemed to have a staff of some sort in his hand. He waved the staff over his head, which seemed to cause the four smaller dragons to bank away and into the clouds. The fifth dragon, being ridden by the mysterious person, was much larger than May, but not anywhere near the size of Magar. The dragon closed on us, just as the other four dove on us from all directions out of nowhere, causing Magar and May to dive and roll, trying desperately to avoid the deadly bursts of frame. I aimlessly fired an arrow into the group of dragons trailing us, hoping to score a hit. My arrow found its mark, but bounced off the armour of one of the five dragons.

"We've got to take them down! Use every arrow you've got!" I shouted.

But before we got the chance to start firing arrows, Magar flipped on her back, nearly knocking us off as we clung to her scales, spitting fire at the five dragons out of nowhere before rolling back over and diving towards the ground. The five of them stayed right behind us, throwing flames at us relentlessly as we shot arrows when a target presented itself. Magar was far larger, and was unable to shake the attackers from her tail. I felt as though we would die in their flames, before Magar suddenly pitched up towards the clouds, her powerful wings pulling her away from the smaller dragons chasing after her. She flew up for several seconds before folding her wings in and dropping back towards the ground towards the attackers. As she dropped towards them, she extended her foot, snagging one of the five dragons in her claws as she spat fire blindly into the sky around her. She spread her wings and started away from the remaining four dragons, with the fifth clenched tight in her claws. 

I looked back. The other four, including the one with the rider had turned away and retreated to the clouds. The fifth was screeching in pain as Magar increased her crushing grip on its body, but strangely, I still felt sympathy for the animal.

"Where's May?!" Bailey exclaimed.

"There!" I shouted as I pointed to the left.

May rose up from the ground and came along side Magar, clearly shaken up by what had just happened.

"Magar, down."

Magar released the dragon from her grip, dropping it to the ground before setting down next to it.

"Let's have a look at it." I said.

The four of us rushed down Magar's wing and hurried to the side of the crippled dragon. We slowly approached it, though it clearly had no intentions to harm us any longer. The dragons wing was torn, and it had several dents and holes in its armour from Magar's claws. It was a young male, pale blue and green in colour, gushing blood out onto the ground as it struggled to get to its feet, failing repeatedly. 

"What the hell was that?" Amy asked.

"I-I don't know. Clearly they're fighting for the other side though. I see no reason why they shouldn't be our target now." I replied.

The four of us circled around the young dragon, with Magar and May at our backs. He locked eyes with me. I could see a mix of emotion in his eyes. He was livid, determined to slaughter us, but also he seemed to understand that we weren't his true enemy. He looked up at Magar, seemingly in awe of her. After a moment longer, his head slumped over, and his eyes slowly closed with a final exhale of the air filling his lungs.

"Why would they attack us?"Bailey asked.

"They were clearly not hunting. Who ever that was, he or she is controlling them. They were likely taken when they were babies. They probably have no memory of any dragons except for each other. They were acting on very specific orders." I replied.

"And now we've killed one of them." Amy added.

I sighed.

"And if we're to have any hope, we must slay the others." I said.

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