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3 Days Later

     We had started back towards the valley, with Lucy, Jules and the others following us close behind. We hadn't slept through the night, so we'd managed to get the valley in our view by early morning as the sun came up. Veracon and Ragon flew along side Doron as the others stayed close behind as we closed in on the valley. Then, Doron started glancing down towards the ground below, clicking and chirping at something unseen.

"Well look who it is!" I shouted as I looked down over Doron's side.

From below, the unmistakable purple dragon made herself known as she rose up above Doron, before flipping on her back and diving back down to meet him. I looked to the dragon, and was delighted to see Bailey sitting atop her back, waving at me. She grew a confused look on her face when she noticed the others flying behind us, but all I could do was give her a thumbs up as to indicate that all was well, and that we had to return to the valley and have a rather serious discussion. Without hesitation, Magar dove back towards the valley, with Doron close behind. As I dismounted my dragon, Bailey hurried over to me and met me with a tight hug the moment my feet hit the familiar ground of the valley floor.

"Where have you been? Why were you gone so long?" She asked as she stepped back and made eye contact with me.

"We've been working on something...." I said as I turned and motioned to the other dragons as they landed.

"Wh-Who are they?" Bailey asked in confusion.

"I'll let them explain that." I replied.

As Lucy and Jules cautiously and clumsily dismounted their dragons and stepped into the grass, I motioned for them to come join Bailey and I.

"Hi! My name is Lucy, and this is Jules." Lucy said as she reached out to shake Baileys hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Bailey." She replied.

"So, care to explain our little situation to Bailey?" I asked the two of them.

Jules stepped forward, and took a deep breath before she began to explain to Bailey what they had already told us.

"We come from across the sea... We were slaves. Our home has been torn apart from a war that has lasted for generations. Nine groups fighting each other for control over our homeland. A long time ago, there was a tenth group, but they couldn't fight against the other nine, so they set out in hopes of finding their own land to live on and control. That tenth group apparently came here, to this land, and seemingly destroyed the place you once called home. Now, another storm is coming. Our people are on their way here, and they have weapons that are far more dangerous than anything you've seen. If you allow us, we can help you defeat them, and protect your people from the hell that will otherwise befall them."

Bailey's eyes grew wide, before she turned to look at me for instruction.

"I've seen nothing with my own eyes, but we have to trust them. We only came back to get you, and tell you what was happening. Now, we must fly out to the coast and fend off their ships before they make landfall. If that happens, it might be to late." I said as I placed my hand on Bailey's shoulder.

"Well if the ships haven't come ashore yet, how did you all escape and get here?" Bailey asked aggressively.

"We escaped in the night on a small boat we managed to detach from our ship. We were followed, but eventually we managed to kill our perusers." Lucy replied.

Bailey looked down at the ground for a moment, before turning back to me.

"So... What do we do now?" She asked.

"We haven't slept. We must all get some rest, then, when we wake, we make for the coast. No matter what happens, we will stop them." I said.

Without saying anything more, I crawled under Doron's wing, and rolled around in the soft, long grass as I slowly fell asleep. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest the entire time, regardless of the current state of my over exhausted body. I just hoped that, no matter what we were faced with, we would be able to protect our people from the supposed horrors that would soon rain down upon us.

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