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      We flew for a while, before I remembered the people in the villages. The one we had visited couldn't have had more than a few dozen survivors, and I knew they probably wouldn't survive long without others around to keep the village going. I couldn't just leave them to their fate. We had to do something. I waved to get Amy's attention as I pointed in the direction of the nearest of the three villages. She nodded and followed as We flew towards it. Not long after turning towards it, we arrived at the nearest village, smoke still bellowing from some of the buildings.


Doron set down just outside the village edge, Veracon off to his right. Amy and I both dismounted, as the people near by came out cautiously.

"Don't be afraid." I said.

"We're here to help. Don't be scared." Amy added.

"That's Jessica Albo." I heard one person say.

The people gathered into an ever growing group, until eventually they stopped coming and just looked at us with blank expressions on their faces.

"What should we do?" Amy asked.

"Well we can't just leave them here. There aren't many of them, we could take them to another village. There must be one not far from here." I said.

"You mean, fly them there?" Amy questioned.

"Yes. We can't just leave them here. It's better than nothing." I said firmly.

I turned and approached the group of people, many of them shaking and covered in blood. Mothers held their children closer as I approached with my bow in hand.

"My name is Jessica Albo. I know what you have witnessed must have scarred many of you, and you probably don't know what you're going to do next. Myself, along with my partner are going to get you, along with the survivors from the other three villages to a nearby village that hasn't been attacked. Only three villages were attacked by the kings men. Picked off for their size and lack of resistance, meant to scare myself, along with my army into submission. While this attack was devastating, but the men responsible have fallen victim to the dragons flaming breath. The losses inflicted upon you will not go un-avenged. Gather a few things from your homes and return back as soon as possible." I shouted.

A few people turned and walked back into the tiny village, returning minutes later with small bags of whatever they decided to bring along with them.

"You may approach. Do not fear them." I said to the crowd.

The person nearest to me stepped forward slowly with her two children clinging to her side. Doron stretched his wing out for them to climb. The mother stopped and stepped back slowly, before pausing and looking Doron in the eye.

"He wont hurt you." I said soothingly as I reached out my hand.

The women came back towards me, as her daughter happily stepped forward and approached Doron's wing.

"Be careful, don't slip." I said as the little girl attempted to climb the dragons wing.

The mother came up behind her to stop her from falling backwards, before giving me a quick smile and starting up Doron's wing. Several more people came to mount the dragon, more and more pilling up on his back, children rapped up in the arms of their mothers.

"Everyone, make sure you hold on to the quills on his back!" I shouted.

"Do you think we'll have room for everyone?" Amy asked.

"I sure hope so. Most of these people are already on, and we still have your dragon if I run out of room." I replied.

Just as I finished my sentence, the last person struggled up to join the others on Doron's back.

"Right. Let's get going. We've got to others to get to. Fly safe." I said.

"You as well." Amy replied.

I hurried up Doron's wing and came to my usual spot at the base of his neck, before turning around to face everyone.

"Don't let go for any reason. I don't think I need to explain why." I said.

I turned around to face forward.


Doron took off in the direction of the other two villages, followed closely by Amy on Veracon. We collected all the survivors from the other two villages, before heading for a much larger village some distance away. We only just had enough space for everyone, with both dragons carrying dozens of survivors. We had managed to save the few people who had survived, though I couldn't shake the thought that we could have saved so many more had we returned just days earlier. I just hoped, and prayed, that we wouldn't be to late again.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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